1 |
In humans, a sperm has 23 chromosomeds. Egg cell has. |
- A. 23 chromosomes
- B. 46 chromosomes
- C. No chromosomes
- D. 69 Chromosomes
2 |
The colour of eyes in an organism is controlled by a. |
- A. Egg
- B. Zygote
- C. Chromosomes
- D. Gene pair
3 |
During reproduction, living things pass their characteristics to their. |
- A. Parents
- B. Grand parents
- C. Off spring
- D. Brother and sister
4 |
A typical chromosoes consists of arms. |
- A. Two
- B. Three
- C. Four
- D. Five
5 |
The characters which are passed from parents to off spring. |
- A. Environmental characters.
- B. Naturla characters
- C. Non -inheritable characters.
- D. Hereditary characters.
6 |
In pea, there are chromosomes. |
7 |
Before mitosis, sets of chromosomes are. |
- A. Two
- B. Three
- C. Four
- D. Five
8 |
Before the start of cell division, the parent cell passes through a phase called. |
- A. Prophase
- B. Interphase
- C. Anaphase
- D. Metaphase
9 |
Type of cell division, whihc take place in all parts of plants and animals is. |
- A. Meiosis
- B. Mitosis
- C. Nuclear division
- D. Cytokinesis
10 |
Chromosomes are........... structures. |
- A. Round
- B. Circular
- C. Long
- D. Thread like