Download FSc Preparation Mobile app on your smart phone to get access to past papers, online assessment tests, subject wise online lectures, colleges, admissions information, date sheets and results announcements of pre medical and pre engineering FSc part 1 and Part2. The FSc preparation mobile app is exclusively designed for aid of hard working and dedicated students of FSc course. The students who have ambition to excel in their examinations results can get massive benefit from informative e learning fSc preparation app.

Prospective FSC students have this app to accumulate admission procedures information, application submission deadlines update, college locations and college merit lists. The existing FSc students can take benefit of Fsc preparations app and approach other FSc students in Pakistan and share knowledge, indulge in mutual problem solving discussions and give study advice to each other.
Install FSc preparation app on your smart phone to get past papers, notes, and chapter wise MCQs totally free. You are free from the burden of collecting books, spending money on expensive notes and occupying your book shelves. The FSc preparation mobile is all you need now for best preparation material. An exclusive and totally unique feature of FSc preparation app is that you can give online tests of each chapter of your subjects and get instant results and moreover compare your preparations with other FSc fellow students from around the country to keep a healthy study competition which will make motivated towards studies.
FSC preparation mobile app has separate category of results and date sheets where updates about examinations are available. You can get date sheet o your upcoming examinations on your phone without trouble of time consuming web search. FSC preparations mobile phone app is your ultimate source of information, news, preparations, online assessments and online lectures of pre medical and pre engineering courses both.