1 |
Star's distance are measured in |
- A. Kilometeres
- B. Miles
- C. Light years
- D. Nauticalmiles
2 |
Coordination betwene the parts of body is called. |
- A. Nerous system
- B. Organ system
- C. PNS
- D. CNS
3 |
The colour of eyes in an organism is controlled by a. |
- A. Egg
- B. Zygote
- C. Chromosomes
- D. Gene pair
4 |
People on hills experience atomospheric pressure. |
- A. More than that at the sea level
- B. Less than that at the sea level
- C. same as that at the sea level
- D. Four times more than that at the se alevel
5 |
The relation R = V/I is discovered by a |
- A. American scientist
- B. German scientist
- C. British Scientis
- D. Russian scientist
6 |
Hydrogen and nitogen are used for teh manufacturing of. |
- A. Benaspati ghee
- B. Oxygen cylinder
- C. Hydrogen flame
- D. Urea
7 |
In dilute HCl blue litmus turns. |
- A. Orange
- B. Yellow
- C. Red
- D. Pink
8 |
A gene is inserted into a bacterium by. |
- A. Tissue culture
- B. Genetic engineering
- C. Fermentation
- D. Biodegradation
9 |
The improvement in the nutritional quality of edible plants is also one of the advancement of geneti. |
- A. Engineering
- B. Development
- C. Life
- D. Modification
10 |
The rate of flow of charged is called. |
- A. Volt
- B. Ohm
- C. Current
- D. Coulomb