1 |
Production of new plant from endergrond stem is an example of. |
- A. Sexual reproduction
- B. aseual reproduction
- C. Self pollination
- D. Cross pollination
2 |
Cut piece of the plant is called. |
- A. Bud
- B. Scion
- C. Stock
- D. Rhizom
3 |
Zygote is formd as a result of. |
- A. Self pollination
- B. Cross pollination
- C. Fertilization
- D. Double fertiization
4 |
Sperm and eggs fuse to form. |
- A. Stamens
- B. Embryo
- C. Zygote
- D. Seed
5 |
Asexual reprouction in whcih stem of a plant is buried in soil near the parent plant. |
- A. Layering
- B. Budding
- C. Cutting
- D. Grafting
6 |
The structure which is helpful to carry sperms to the ovary. |
- A. Pollen tube
- B. Stigma
- C. Style
- D. Stigma
7 |
Potato is |
- A. Tuber
- B. runner
- C. Layer
- D. Bulb
8 |
Fusion of a sperm with two polar nuclei forms. |
- A. Zygote
- B. Endosperm
- C. Embryo
- D. Oveum
9 |
Which is the following male reproductive part of a flower. |
- A. Carpels
- B. Eggs
- C. Sperm
- D. Stamens
10 |
Segarcane is grows using the technique. |
- A. Leyeing
- B. Cutting
- C. Budding
- D. Grafting