1 |
The forest situated in equatorial belt are ...........forest. |
- A. Temperate
- B. Boreal
- C. Tropical
- D. None of these
2 |
Rivers carries the brockes material and cut other rucks by the process of erosion. |
- A. Abrasion
- B. Inselgberg
- C. Fluvial
- D. Abrasion
3 |
------------- layer of tree does ot let the sunlight to penetrte. |
- A. Canopy
- B. Ground
- C. Understory
- D. Emergent
4 |
In Pakistan how many techtonic collide with each other? |
5 |
Cyclones being |
- A. Drought
- B. Heavy Rainfall
- C. Earth quick
- D. None of these
6 |
Swiring action of the stones develops holes in river bed called holes. |
- A. Pot
- B. Ox-bow
- C. meaders
- D. Water fall
7 |
Famous animal of polar climatic region is. |
- A. Camel
- B. Reindeer
- C. Lion
- D. Cow
8 |
------------- is series of extremely long waves caused by displacement of ocean. |
- A. Tsunami
- B. Flood
- C. Pollution
- D. Drought
9 |
A city was demolished due to earthquaks in Baluchistan. |
- A. Karachi
- B. Balakot
- C. Islamabad
- D. Quetta
10 |
The average rainfall of polar region is ..............inces. |
- A. 8-10
- B. 9-10
- C. 10-11
- D. 10-12