1 |
Identify sentences below.<div>The old man told me a sotry.</div> |
- A. Interrogative sentence
- B. Exclamatory sentence
- C. Declarative sentence
- D. Imperative sentence
2 |
Sentence below<div>Why did the dog begin to bark?</div> |
- A. Interrogative sentence
- B. Imperative sentence
- C. Exclamatory sentence
- D. Declarative sentence
3 |
Tick the correct sentence<div>Is it a sword? The sentence is.</div> |
- A. Declarative
- B. Interrogative
- C. Imperative
- D. Exclamatory
4 |
Syllable division |
- A. Kingdom
- B. King-dom
- C. kin-g-dom
- D. kingd-om
5 |
correct syllable division |
- A. White
- B. Wh-ite
- C. Whi-te
- D. Wh-it-e
6 |
The synonym of great is. |
- A. Considerable
- B. Insignificant
- C. Short
- D. Small
7 |
Correct type of sentence.<div>The house in near the post office. The sentence is.</div> |
- A. Declarative
- B. Interrogative
- C. Imperative
- D. Exclamatory
8 |
The word dare means |
- A. Discuss
- B. Challenge
- C. Befriend
- D. Play
9 |
Tick the correct division |
- A. Sw-ord
- B. Sword
- C. s-word
- D. sw-or-d
10 |
The correct Syllable division. |
- A. Happi-ness
- B. Happiness
- C. hap-pi-ness
- D. Ha-ppi-ness