1 |
underlined words or phrases as sitmile , metapher, personlilcation hyperbole and enomatopeia.<div>Her<u> smile was one mile wide.</u></div> |
- A. Simile
- B. metaphor
- C. Personifcaton
- D. Hyperbole
2 |
The wind whispered in my ears. |
- A. simile
- B. Personifcation
- C. Hyperbole
- D. Metaphor
3 |
Antonym of 'great' is |
- A. Huge
- B. Big
- C. Small
- D. Great
4 |
What was to be threaded through the hole? |
- A. A silk thread
- B. An ant
- C. Grain of sugar
- D. A gain of salt
5 |
words or phrases as sitmile , metapher, personlilcation hyperbole and enomatope<div>The snow is <u>as while as cotton</u></div> |
- A. simile
- B. metaphor
- C. Personfication
- D. Hyperbole
6 |
The log was curved.............. time |
7 |
All the <u>world is stage</u> |
- A. Simile
- B. Metaphor
- C. Personifcation
- D. Hyperbole
8 |
The synonym of 'commotion' is |
- A. Cat
- B. Race
- C. Call
- D. Uproar
9 |
The synonym of 'log' is |
- A. Math
- B. Goods
- C. Rear
- D. Piece of wood
10 |
Mark underlined words or phrases as sitmile , metapher, personlilcation hyperbole and enomatopeia.<div>She <u>looks like a star</u></div> |
- A. Simile
- B. metaphor
- C. Personifcation
- D. Hyperbole