5th Chapter

7th Geography English Medium Chapter 5 Test

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7th Class Geography Chapter 5 MCQ Test With Answer for Geography chapter 5

7th Class Geography Chapter 5 MCQ Test With Answer for Geography chapter 5

Sr. # Questions Answers Choice
1 Ultraiolet rays cause cancer in people.
  • A. Liver
  • B. Eye
  • C. Kidney
  • D. Skin
2 The exampel of green house gases is.
  • A. Carbon di oxide
  • B. Methane
  • C. Water vapours
  • D. All of these
3 Ozone layer is rapidly depleting due to
  • A. Rain
  • B. Flood
  • C. Human Activities
  • D. None
4 Example fo green house gas.
  • A. Helium
  • B. Hydrogen
  • C. Carbon di oxide
  • D. Nitrogen
5 The gas responsible for rise in the Earth's emperature.
  • A. Hydrogen
  • B. Carbon di oxide
  • C. Sulphur di oxide
  • D. Nitric Oxide
6 Hydrogen chloro fluoro carbons is a.
  • A. Liquid
  • B. Gas
  • C. Sold
  • D. Power plant
7 Primary cause of green house effectis.
  • A. Fossil fuel burning
  • B. Floods
  • C. Drought
  • D. Eartquake
8 Inernatioal conference on climate change was held in Copenhagen in.
  • A. 2005
  • B. 2007
  • C. 2008
  • D. 2009
9 Long term study atmosphere conditionis called.
  • A. Weather
  • B. Green house
  • C. Globla warming
  • D. Climate
10 The gas responsible for rise in the Earth's temperature.
  • A. Sulphur dioxide
  • B. Hyrdrogen
  • C. Nitric oxide
  • D. Carbon di oxide.

Top Scorers of Geography 7th Class Chapter 5 Online Test



Lahore22 - Jun - 2024

01 Mins 18 Sec

Somaid Ali

Lahore18 - Sep - 2024

04 Mins

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