1 |
This is the building that Mustafa designed. The sentence is. |
- A. Complex
- B. Compound
- C. Simple
2 |
He came home back from tour. The sentence is. |
- A. Compound
- B. Complex
- C. Simple
3 |
He is poor , but he is honest. The sentence is. |
- A. Simple
- B. Compund
- C. Complex
4 |
Choose the correct option.<div>The gardner waters the platn. The sentence is.</div> |
- A. Simple
- B. Coumpound
- C. Complex
5 |
To make the mother earth beautiful and green we can. |
- A. Buy more cars
- B. Use more plastic bottles
- C. Plant more and more trees
- D. Build housing socities
6 |
She said to him."Give me your book please". The true indirect is |
- A. She told him that give him his book
- B. She requested him to give her his book
- C. She requested him tha tshe give him book
- D. She requested him to give me my book
7 |
She is weeping beacuse her doll has lost. The sentence. |
- A. Simple
- B. Complex
- C. Compound
8 |
------ theexams are over, I 'II CONTINUE WORKINGHARD! |
- A. Because
- B. Unless
- C. Now that
- D. Although
9 |
She shoulted, "Let me go" The true indirect is. |
- A. She shouted taht let him go
- B. She shouted that let me go
- C. She shouted to let her go
- D. She shouted to let him go
10 |
Teacher said to me, "STand up" The true indirect is. |
- A. Teacher ordered me to stnad up
- B. Teacher said to me to stand up
- C. Teacher told me stand up
- D. Teacher ordered me that stand up