1 |
The plateaus, located of the foorhils of mouantian are called .... plateaus. |
- A. Continental
- B. Piedmon
- C. Siwalik
- D. Intermoncane
2 |
The highest mountain peakin th worldis |
- A. Nanga Perbat
- B. Mount Blanc
- C. Mount Everest
- D. K-2
3 |
The highest peak of Takht -e- Suleman is ....... metres. |
- A. 3400
- B. 3440
- C. 3480
- D. 3487
4 |
The average height of Lesser Himalayas. |
- A. 4000 m
- B. 6000 m
- C. 7000 m
- D. 8000 m
5 |
Rift wally is formed in which type of mountain. |
- A. Residual
- B. Folded
- C. Block
- D. Volcanic
6 |
K-2 is also known as. |
- A. Godwin Austen
- B. Mount Blanc
- C. Kohsar
- D. Nanga Parbat
7 |
The upper part of the fold is called. |
- A. Syneline
- B. Anticline
- C. Decline
- D. Incline
8 |
------------- mountain are produced by conergence of plates. |
- A. Volcanic
- B. Block
- C. Folded
- D. None of these
9 |
River forms which type of valley. |
- A. U-Shaped
- B. W- Shape
- C. V- shape
- D. Y -shape
10 |
Rockies are located in. |
- A. Asia
- B. <div>South America</div>
- C. Europe
- D. North of America