1 |
What is the goal of problem -solving. |
- A. To generate appropriate solutions
- B. To identify the problem
- C. To test the solution
- D. To plan the solution
2 |
-------------- is finite sequence of instruction to solve a specific problem. |
- A. Unspecified instructions
- B. Specific instructions
- C. Algorithm
- D. None
3 |
What does algorithmic thinking provide a unique way to solve. |
- A. Problems is general
- B. A specific problem
- C. A new and improved system
- D. Irreleveant detail
4 |
What is the process of algorithmic thinking. |
- A. A series of systematic and logical steps
- B. A way of solving a specific problem
- C. A process without clear in instructions
- D. A way of breaking down prblem into smaller problems.
5 |
In........... flow , set of statements in executed again and again intil a cerain condition remains true. |
- A. Repetitive
- B. Sequential
- C. Conditional
- D. None
6 |
What is the purpose of the "modulus" operation in analgorithm |
- A. To stor evalues in a varibale
- B. To determing the remainder of a division
- C. To compare two numbers
- D. To perform arithmetic operations
7 |
---------- is process of defining and decomposing of a problem. |
- A. Problem analysis
- B. Planning solution
- C. Problem identification
- D. test solution
8 |
How many steps are there in the problem solving process. |
9 |
What is ghe goal of defining a problem. |
- A. To make it more complex
- B. To add abiguity
- C. To make it more simple and clear
- D. To make it impossible to solve
10 |
What is the final step in most algorithms. |
- A. Start
- B. Input
- C. Output
- D. Stop