1 |
Embryo-sac in angiosperms in also called |
- A. Sporophyte
- B. male gametophyte
- C. Female gametophyte
- D. None of these
2 |
The scientific name of rice is |
- A. Acacia fistula
- B. Oryza sativa
- C. Zea mays
- D. Triticum vulgare
3 |
Arachis hypogeal to family |
- A. solananceae
- B. Fabaceae
- C. Rosaceae
- D. Poaceae
4 |
Funaria is an example of. |
- A. Hepaticopside
- B. Bryopsida
- C. Anthoceropsida
- D. Psilophyta
5 |
Pteropsida is divided into ...... classes |
6 |
A heterosporous plant is one that |
- A. Produces a gametophyte that bears both sex organs
- B. Produces megaspores and microspores in separaue sporangia, giving rise to separate male and female gametophyte
- C. Is a seedless vascular plant
- D. Produces two types of spores, one asexually by mitosis, and one type by meiosis
7 |
An ovule is an integumental in dehiscent. |
- A. Microsporangium
- B. Megasporanglum
- C. Seed
- D. Sporanglum
8 |
All bryophytes share certain characteristics which are |
- A. Reproductive cells in protective chambers
- B. A waxy cuticle, true leaves and reproductive cells in protective chambers
- C. Vascular tissues, true leaves and a waxy cuticle
- D. Vascular tissue and a waxy cuticle
9 |
Vascular plants belonging to subdivision sphenopsida ae commonly called. |
- A. Whisk ferns
- B. Club mosses
- C. Horsetails
- D. Ferns
10 |
Mosses belong to the subdivision. |
- A. Hepaticapsida
- B. anthoceropsida
- C. Bryopsida
- D. Ascomycota