1 |
Enzyme that are integral part of ribosomes are involved in the synthsis of |
- A. Lipids
- B. Carbohydrates
- C. Proteins
- D. None of these
2 |
Covalently bonded non protein part is called. |
- A. Co factor
- B. Activator
- C. Prosthetic group
- D. Co enzyme
3 |
The rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction |
- A. Is constant under condition
- B. Decreases as substrate concentration increases
- C. Cannot be measured
- D. Can be reduced by inhibitors
4 |
Poisons, like cyanide are examples of. |
- A. Enzymes
- B. Co enzymes
- C. Inhibitors
- D. Co factors
5 |
The enzyme with optimum pH = 7.60 is |
- A. Arginase
- B. Enterokinase
- C. Catalase
- D. Sucrase
6 |
Co enzymes are closely related to. |
- A. Amino acids
- B. Vitamins
- C. Enzyms
- D. Non protein particles
7 |
The rate of reaction of enzyme directly depends upon |
- A. Amount of enzyme present at a specific time at unlimited substrate concentration
- B. Nature of substrate
- C. Maximum pH level
- D. Low temperature
8 |
An activated enzyme made of polypeptide chain and a co-factor is |
- A. Substrate
- B. Co-enzyme
- C. Apoenzyme
- D. Holoenzyme
9 |
Optimum pH values for enzyme arginase is |
- A. 7.60
- B. 9.70
- C. 8.60
- D. 9.52
10 |
Koshland in 1959 proposed the modified form of |
- A. Fluid mosaic model
- B. Induce fit model
- C. Unit membrane model
- D. Reflective index model