1 |
When was "Indus Water Treaty" signed ? |
- A. 19th September, 1960
- B. 1955
- C. 1948
- D. 1965
2 |
In 1930, world's greatest barrage: |
- A. Sukkur barrage was constructed
- B. Jinnahbarrage was constructed
- C. Chashmabarrage was constructed
- D. Tounsabarrage was constructed
3 |
During 2014-15, Pakistan's total area under cultivation was: |
- A. 20million acre feet
- B. 22.08million acre feet
- C. 15million acre feet
- D. 10million acre feet
4 |
Pakistan's physical feature and soil is: |
- A. Not suitable for agriculture
- B. Best suitable for agriculture
- C. Suitable to some extent for agriculture
- D. Absolutely not suitable for agriculture
5 |
Islamabad and Rawalpindi water requirements are met by: |
- A. Rawal dam
- B. Hub dam
- C. Cherahdam
- D. Darootdam
6 |
Due to seasonal variation in Pakistan percentage share of water flow in rivers in winter is: |
- A. Only 16 percent
- B. 25 percent
- C. 30 percent
- D. 5 percent
7 |
Pakistan's physical features and soil is: |
- A. Not suitable for agriculture
- B. Best suitable for agriculture
- C. Suitable to some extent for agriculture
- D. Absolutely not suitablefor agriculture
8 |
In Baluchistan province, major source of irrigation is: |
- A. Karez
- B. Canals
- C. Persian wheel
- D. Tube-wells
9 |
Annual average water discharge of three western rivers Indus, Chenab & Jhelum of Pakistan is: |
- A. 100 million acre feet
- B. 150 million acre feet
- C. 140 million acre feet
- D. 200 million acre feet
10 |
In mountainous terrain of Azad Kashmir, Northern Areas and N.W.F.P: |
- A. Kole is major source of irrigation
- B. Persian wheel is major source of irrigation
- C. Canals are major source of irrigation
- D. Irrigation is done by ponds