1 |
The direction of null vector can be |
- A. (+) ve
- B. (-) ve
- C. Arbitrary
- D. Zero
2 |
Maximum number of components of a vector may be |
- A. Infinite
- B. One
- C. two
- D. three
3 |
The components of a vector which are perpendicular to each other are called |
- A. Horizontal components
- B. Vertical components
- C. Rectangular components
- D. All of these
4 |
A direction of torque is |
- A. Along the position vector r
- B. Perpendicular to both r and f
- C. Along the direction of force F
- D. Opposite to the direction of r
5 |
The resultant of two vectors having magnitude 12 N and 8 N can not be |
- A. 2 N
- B. 20 N
- C. 10 N
- D. 16 N
6 |
A vector is denoted by |
- A. Light face
- B. Bold face
- C. Both a and b
- D. None of these
7 |
The direction of vector in space is specified by |
- A. 1- angle
- B. 2- angle
- C. 3- angle
- D. 4 - angle
8 |
When a vector is multiplied by a (-)ve number its direction |
- A. Remains constant
- B. Reversed
- C. Change by 90°
- D. None of these
9 |
The resultant of two forces 3N and 4 N acting at right angle to each other is. |
- A. 5 N
- B. 6 N
- C. 1 N
- D. 7 N
10 |
Dot product of vector with itself is. |
- A. Zero
- B. 2 A
- C. A<sup>2</sup>
- D. A