1 |
Molecular crystals are generally |
- A. Hard
- B. Relatively soft
- C. Unstable
- D. do not exist
2 |
When liquid water changes to ice its volume expands. The expansion in volume is. |
- A. 5%
- B. 9%
- C. 10%
- D. 18%
3 |
Which pair of molecule have Debye forces in them |
- A. Ar and Ar
- B. Argon and water
- C. Na+ ions and water
- D. water and water
4 |
When external pressure is 23.7 torr, boiling point of water is |
- A. 100 <sup>o</sup>C
- B. 200<sup>o</sup>C
- C. 98<sup>o</sup>C
- D. 25<sup>o</sup>C
5 |
How many allotropic forms are present in carbon |
- A. Two
- B. Three
- C. Four
- D. Five
6 |
Which of the given has hydrogen bonding. |
- A. CH4
- B. CCl4
- C. NH3
- D. NaCl
7 |
Which of the following elements in its crystalline form will have the lowest enthalpy change of vaporization |
- A. Chlorine
- B. Argon
- C. Phosphorus
- D. Silicon
8 |
The long chains of amino acids are coiled about one another onto a spiral by |
- A. Ionic bond
- B. Van der walls forces
- C. Hydrogen bonding
- D. Overlapping of orbitals
9 |
The lightest value of lattice energy is for which one of these ionic compounds. |
- A. NaI
- B. NaF
- C. NaBr
- D. NaCl
10 |
Which pair of compound are isomorphic in nature. |
- A. NaCl and KNO3
- B. KNO3 and MgO
- C. MgO and NaF
- D. CaF and CaCO3