1 |
The alternate forms of a gene are called as: |
- A. Genome
- B. Genotype
- C. Karyotype
- D. None of these
2 |
The position of gene on chromosome is known as: |
- A. Locus
- B. Allele
- C. Genotype
- D. Genome
3 |
A purple flowered pea plant has the genotype PP, which of the following statements about this plant is FALSE. |
- A. Its phenotype will be white flowers .
- B. It has a homozygous dominant genotype.
- C. When bred to a white flowered plant all offspring will be purple flowered.
- D. All the gametes produced will have the same flower colour allele
4 |
The points of attachment of genes on chromosomes are called: |
- A. Transcription
- B. Translation
- C. Loci
- D. Phenotype
5 |
<p class="MsoNormal">Inside of double helix consists of:<o:p></o:p></p>
<br> |
- A. Nitrogenous bases
- B. sugar
- C. sugar Phosphate
- D. Phosphate
6 |
It is a condition in which normal body pigments are absent: |
- A. Color blindness
- B. Albinism
- C. Diabetes
- D. Sickle cell anacmia
7 |
THe alternate form of a gene are called: |
- A. Genotype
- B. Phenotype
- C. Alleles
- D. Replication
8 |
On which vegetable , Mendel carried out a large number of experiments? |
- A. Pea
- B. Tomatto
- C. Potato
- D. Gabbage
9 |
Which is favourable variation in moths after industrial revolution? |
- A. Light colour
- B. Medium colour
- C. Dark colour
- D. None of these
10 |
The specific combination of genes in an individual is called: |
- A. Phenotype
- B. Genotype
- C. Karyotype
- D. Gepotype