Khairpur is a district which is located in Sindh province of Pakistan. It is one of the largest cities in Sindh. In terms of education the city is enjoying a good position. The literacy rate in Khairpur is good though it is increasing day by day which is the result of exceptional educational policies of the government. The educational institutes in Khairpur are also performing their duties excellently to boost the career of the students.
There are many private as well as government educational institutes present in Khairpur which are providing unique educational services to the students. Some famous colleges and universities in Khairpur are Shah Abdul Latif University, Mehran university of Engineering and Technology, IBA community College Khairpur, Petroleum technical training institute and Gambat institute of Medical Science.
There are also other graduate and Post graduate colleges which are offering various programs and courses. The institutes are providing outstanding educational services to the students of Khairpur. All institutes open admissions in specific time of year usually after the announcement of various exams results. All details about Admissions in Khairpur educational institutes are available on this page. Students can also subscribe to our website ilmkidunya to get all latest news through email.