1 |
G<sub>1</sub> is time between the end of mitosis and initiation of DNA synthesis also called as |
- A. Pre-DNA synthesis phase
- B. DNA synthesis phase
- C. Post-DNA synthesis phase
- D. None of these
2 |
Which one is absent in animal cells. |
- A. spindle
- B. Centriole
- C. Chromatids
- D. Phragmoplast
3 |
The uterine layer which is shed with each monthly cycle is: |
- A. Endometrium
- B. Perimetrium
- C. Tunica albuginea
- D. Myometrium
4 |
The period of life cycle of cell between two consecutive divisions is termed as. |
- A. Resting phase
- B. Inter phase
- C. G1 phase
- D. G2 Phase
5 |
Which tumor is delocalized or has branches other than site of orgin. |
- A. Benign
- B. Malignant
- C. Both
- D. Apoptosis
6 |
The most critical phase of mitosis, which ensures equal distribution of chromatids in the daughter cells is. |
- A. Prophase
- B. Tele phase
- C. Meta phase
- D. Anaphase
7 |
The pairing of homologous chromosomes is completed in |
- A. Leptotene
- B. Zygotene
- C. Pachytene
- D. Diplotene
8 |
The syndrome in which individual has short stature, webbed necm, without ovaries, and complete absence of germ cells is. |
- A. Mongolism
- B. Kline felter syndrome
- C. Down's syndrome
- D. Turner's syndrome
9 |
The kinetochore fibres of spindle attach to the kinetochore region of chromosome and align them at the equator of the spindle forming |
- A. Equatorial plate
- B. Metaphase plate
- C. Central plate
- D. Both a & b
10 |
The microtubules of mitotic apparatus are composed of protein tubulin nd traces of. |
- A. DNA
- B. RNA
- C. Lipids
- D. Terpenoids