1 |
Which operators perform operation on Boolean expressions and produce a Boolean expressions as a result ? |
- A. logical
- B. assignment
- C. arithmetic
- D. relation
2 |
In which function character entered by user does not get displayed on screen ? |
- A. getch()
- B. <div><br></div><div>count</div>
- C. string
- D. printf
3 |
Which is a built-in function in C language that takes input from user into the variables ? |
- A. printf()
- B. scanf()
- C. input
- D. print
4 |
Which operators compare two values to determine the relationship between values ? |
- A. assignment
- B. arithmetic
- C. logical
- D. relation
5 |
After escape character, which specifies the movement of the cursor to start of next time ? |
6 |
Which of the following is escape sequence ? |
- A. \n
- B. \t
- C. \a
- D. all of these
7 |
How many types of logical operators ? |
8 |
Which operator is used to multiply two values ? |
9 |
All of arithmetic operators, relational operators and logical operators && and || are: |
- A. unary operators
- B. binaryoperators
- C. ternaryoperators
- D. all of these
10 |
Which operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on data ? |
- A. assignmentoperator
- B. arithmeticoperator
- C. logicaloperator
- D. relational operators