Study in China Guide


Want to go to China for higher studies?

Introduction of Study in China

China is emerged as the 3rd largest economy of the world and it is estimated that China will overtake Japan in this fiscal year of 2010. As a major stake holder of international exchange and cooperation, China has developed an effective administration system for international students with distinct Chinese qualities, culture and traditions after the hard struggle of a half century. A great number of talented practitioners have been produced in the fields of science, technology, education, diplomacy, management, etc through this system for many countries especially in Asian countries. These products of Chinese universities played an active role in enhancing the political, diplomatic and economic ties between China and their respective countries as well as for their own country.
In 1950, first group of 33 international students from the East European countries arrived at China and in the end of 2000, the total number of students in China has increased to 407,000. Now students belonging to more than 160 countries chose China for study. Out of 407,000 international students 88,000 students were studying there on the scholarship provided by the Chinese government. Since 1997, the Chinese Scholarships Council (CSC) has been entrusted by the Ministry of Education with the enrollment and administration of daily operations concerning international students in China sponsored by Chinese Government Scholarships.
Asian international students in China, still top of the list, total 63,672, accounting for 81.93% While 6,462 students are from Europe, accounting for 8.31%; 4,703 from America, accounting for 6.05%; 1,793 from Africa, accounting for 2.31%, and 1085 from Oceania, accounting for 1.04%. South Korea, Japan, the United States, Vietnam and Indonesia are the top five countries that have the largest numbers of international students in China, numbered 35353, 12765, 3693, 3478, and 2563 respectively. Other countries, which have over 1,000 students in China, are Thailand (1,554), Germany (1,280), Russia (1,224), Nepal (1,199) and Mongolia (1,060).
Scholarship from Chinese government
According to the agreements or programs signed by Chinese government and the governments of other countries as well as international organizations, China's Ministry of Education offered to 163 countries Chinese Government Scholarships in 2003.With the 1,879 new numbers, actually 6,153 foreign students were admitted, making up 7% of total number, of which Asia students amounted to 3,076 covered 50% of the total, European students 1,442, 23%, Africa 1,244, 20%, America 305, 5%, Oceania 86, 1.4%. With the principle of raising the level of scholarship students, Ph.D students increased to 609, Master Degree students added up to 1,350 and undergraduate students 1,754 .In addition, 123 students were benefited from the other scholarship provided by Chinese Government, including the Great Wall Scholarship, the Excellent Student Scholarship, the HSK Winner Scholarship, the short-term program for foreign teachers of Chinese and the Chinese culture research program. As for the self-financed students, the enrolment has expanded to 71,562, among them, short-term students (who studied for less than 6 months) numbered 13,202, whereas long-term students who studied in China for over 6 months (including 6 months) numbered 58,360.
In accordance with the relevant regulations on the management of Chinese Government Scholarship formulated by the Ministry of Education, to reinforce the management of Chinese Government Scholarship and to bring its benefits and effects into full play, the Ministry of Education of China entrusts China Scholarship Council (CSC) to take charge of the organization and implementation of Annual Review of the Chinese Government Scholarship students. And the institutions are entitled to give Annual Review to their own scholarship students.
To convenience international students, along with some consulting booklets, the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE), directly under the Ministry of Education, also provide on-line enrollment and information consulting.
On February 16, 1998, the Conference on Study by Foreign Students in China was convened, which, coming up with the policy of "deepening reform, improving management and guaranteeing educational quality to achieve vigorous and steady development", the former State Education Commission, analyzed the new circumstances faced by the international students education and consequently laid down tasks to be fulfilled in recent years. This is a milestone in Chinese international students’ education.


Study in China Guide


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