1 |
Fist moment about origin in is always equal |
- A. Mean
- B. Variance
- C. Zero
- D. 1(One)
2 |
First moment about mean is always equal to. |
- A. Standard deviation
- B. Zero
- C. 1
- D. Variance
3 |
The most suitable average for computing of index number is: |
- A. A.M
- B. G.M
- C. Median
- D. H.M
4 |
There sets on a sofa can be occupied by four persons in. |
- A. 12 ways
- B. 7 ways
- C. 24 ways
- D. None of these
5 |
Which ofthe following methods uses quantities consumed in the current period when computing a weighted index. |
- A. Laspeyres method
- B. Marshall -Edge worth's methods
- C. Peasche's method
- D. Fisher's method
6 |
A collection of some of the elements from a group is called. |
- A. Census
- B. Population
- C. Registration
- D. Sample
7 |
In fixed base method, the base period should be. |
- A. Far away
- B. Normal
- C. Un reliable
- D. Abnormal
8 |
The probability of a continuous random variable at x = a is --------------- |
- A. One
- B. Zero
- C. Between 0 and 1
- D. More than one
9 |
Continuous data are differentitated from discrete data in that |
- A. Discrete data classes are represnted by fractions
- B. Continuous data classes may be represented by fractions
- C. Continous data take on only whole numebrs
- D. Discrete data can take on any real number
10 |
The variable that takes numerical value is called______ variable. |
- A. Quantitative
- B. Primary
- C. Qualitative
- D. None of these