1 |
Laser surgery is of special importance in |
- A. heart operation
- B. kidney operation
- C. liver operation
- D. cancer operation
2 |
The process of manufacturing food in pants; |
- A. Respiration
- B. Digestion
- C. Fermentation
- D. Photosynthesis
3 |
Which of the following is a natural fiber: |
- A. Teflon
- B. Cotton
- C. Acrylic
- D. Nylon
4 |
The rays which are liberated from metal due to collision of fast moving electrons: |
- A. Alpha rays
- B. Beta rays
- C. Gamma rays
- D. x - rays
5 |
If we increasing angle of incidence then at a particular angle incidence the angel of refraction is. |
- A. 45 <sup>o</sup>
- B. 60 <sup>o</sup>
- C. 30 <sup>o</sup>
- D. 90 <sup>o</sup>
6 |
When a ray of light passes from a denser to a rare medium it; |
- A. bends away form the normal to the interface
- B. bends towards the normal
- C. does no bend
- D. non of the above
7 |
The light of laser is: |
- A. monochromatic
- B. dichromatic
- C. trichromatic
- D. Tetrachrmatic
8 |
What discovered radioactivity? |
- A. Einstein
- B. Newton
- C. J.J. Thomson
- D. Henry Becquerel
9 |
Laser is used toproduce three -Dimensional image called. |
- A. Holograms
- B. Holography
- C. Lithotropsy
- D. Radioactive elements
10 |
The principal of light on whihc the fibre optics works is. |
- A. Reflection
- B. Refraction
- C. Total internal reflection
- D. Dispersion