1 |
Nine book of Jabir Bin Hayan are translated into French by. |
- A. Robert of chester
- B. Mu aw homus
- C. Al -Razi
- D. None of these
2 |
Dr. Abdus Salam was founded an International Institutute for theoretical physics in |
- A. Germany
- B. France
- C. Italy
- D. Spain
3 |
The period of " Alchemy" was no doubt the period of. |
- A. Pakistani scientists
- B. <br>Greek scienctist
- C. Muslim Scientistst
- D. American Scientists
4 |
Dr. Atta -ur-Rehman got his Ph.D degrr from Cambridge University in. |
- A. 1971
- B. 1968
- C. 1982
- D. 1936
5 |
The Alcohol first prepared by. |
- A. Muhammad Bin Zikrya
- B. Ibn ul Haithum
- C. Abu Nasir al Farabi
- D. Jabir Bin Hayan
6 |
The scientist who put forward theory of the unification of two natural forces, the weak nuclear force and electromagnetic force |
- A. Dr, Abdul Qadeer khan
- B. Dr. Abdus salam
- C. Dr.Sheikh Aftab Ahmed khan
- D. Dr,samar mubarak mand
7 |
Pakistan tested the Nuclear devices in |
- A. Apira 12,1999
- B. May 29,1999
- C. May 28,1998
- D. January 8,2000
8 |
Who rejected the idea of converting common metal into gold. |
- A. Ibn ul Haithum
- B. Al- Bairuni
- C. Bu Ali Sina
- D. A.Q.Khan
9 |
Al-Bairuni discovered taht radius of earth was. |
- A. 6338
- B. 6448
- C. 6353
- D. 7353
10 |
The era of Islamic Chemistry is. |
- A. 200 A.D. to 700 A.D.
- B. 500 A.D. to 1100 A.D.
- C. 600 A.D. to 1400 A.D
- D. Befor 500 B.C.