Today lack of respect really is a big issue, many families have these days is lack of respect. But the fact is that learning respect comes from home. Islam has assigned certain duties to parents that they must perform honestly. If they fall in those they will be questioned about it. Its parent’s duty they teach their children about the basic Islamic values, the prophet’s teachings and the right path according to the Quran and Sunnah. Our parents have brought us up and gave us love and attention. Parents gave us the difference between right and wrong. It’s our moral duty to follow the parent’s good advice.
Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “Everyone who hearts his parents hurt me, and anyone who hurts me hurts Allah and whoever hurts Allah is cursed. (Tawrat, Injeel , Zabur and Quran Pak).”
If you displease your mother, you will never enter heaven, i.e. the way to heaven is through the pleasure of your parents.
Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “The parents are responsible with regard to the children in the same manner in which the children are responsible with regard to their parents.” Its duty all of us as Islam said, that look have mercy on them, as they looked after me when I was little.” (17: 23, 24)
Quran Pak Said, that you kind to be parents, whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor.”(Surah Al Isra, 17:23) Another time said that “God’s pleasure is in the pleasure of the father, and God’s displeasure is in the displeasure of the father.”
Islam has endorsed respect for parents by their children. They work so hard for us to make us better people. So we all should love and obey them.
Now we turn the honorable scholars, the earliest object we should create with, in my judgment is to get students accustomed to respect their teachers and accomplish their rights, especially when the teacher is a righteous and honorable one. Serving and obeying is a matter of give and take. Those who treat and obey their teachers can rest assured that their students and children will also show kindness and compassion to them. Respecting and caring both teacher and students is a virtue of the highest order that continues to transcend generation subsequent to generation. It is necessary to note that teacher is a responsible of the society who cultivates moral precepts.
The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam said. “Seek knowledge and educate to be dignified and peaceful while seeking knowledge, and humble yourselves with those whom you learn from.”
Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam said, three types of peoples would not be mock except by a hypocrite, an old Muslim man, a knowledgeable person and a just leader” (Tabaraani).
One of the rights of the scholars is that you greet people generally and then greet him with a special greeting. Let’s respect and listen our elders and to give them due respect. We need to give them our time when they have something to say about the most important things. It’s both parents and teachers duty that they taught us lessons of hard work and determination. Our elders have mount up a life span of experience. The Islam instructs us and guides us that humbleness with the teacher is a way leading to success, and results in attaining knowledge.
Here I point out a visit of Abdullah Ibn Abbas; He had a great zeal to learn about Islam. He went to see a Sahabi who was a slept at the time. Abdullah Ibn Abbas did not want to disturb the Sahabi so decided that he would wait outside until the Sahabi woke up. When the Sahabi woke up he was very surprised to see Abdullah waiting for him covered in dust. Abdullah had been waiting a quite a while. The Sahabi asked, why did you not wake me up? You are the cousin of our Prophet (PBUH) and we would have come to see you if you had asked! Abdullah Ibn Abbas explained that he was a student and the Sahabi was his teacher so he did not want to disturb him. As time went on, Abdullah Ibn Abbas became one of the most knowledgeable Sahabah and people would come from all over the world to learn from him. He was a great teacher from whom many people learned lot of information about Islam.
We should fulfill the right of the teachers. Oppression of teacher and scholars will only happen in a period during which corruption prevails and this thing extremely hazardous for all of us. The good teacher/scholar/professor can be rightly called a nation builder and through their love, sacrifice and loyalty, has shown us the right path in which great men/leaders/politicians have built our nation. They mould our character rightly and correctly, and made our personality grand and show us the right direction which leads us to our final goal. The relationship between parents, teachers and students should be based on mutual true love and respect by heart.
When we meet them first thing we should do in respect is say "Aslamun Alaykum" Both make time for children and student. Both treat as his or her own children, and students should consider the teacher as their parent. Be honest with your teacher, parents and teacher is honest with students. Students at each level tend to pick role models from their parents and teachers, whatever we do and say to the students has a great impact on them. As we all know that at early stage
“Things taught to children become engraved on their minds like engravings on stone.”
It is important to note that our behavior goes a long way in shaping the kind of human beings, they will evolve into. People obviously do not automatically develop good character. Conscientious efforts must be made by schools, families, institutions and communities to help students and persons understand, internalize and act upon core ethical values such as respect, responsibility, honesty, fairness, integrity, compassion, self-control and moral courage.
In the development of a country great attention has to be paid to education and learning because it gives us awareness, as well as good morals, and nobody is more suited to assist in this process than the humble teacher/scholar. Without their positive and constructive role both knowledge and morals would suffer. Remember this that since the teacher is one of the students ideal, it is very important for a scholar to have good qualities which impress the students and the qualities which he can imitate and thus become good, one who has some sterling qualities of head and heart which the students gets impressed by.
Today the teacher does not hold as much esteem as he/she did in the past. They lost their old glory, and now they are looked down upon in society. Their economic condition is backward, and also miserable. Today we can see the shoot killing in highest level institutions. Now the nature of our society is changed and peoples become materialistic. Today in this global village only those people command respects that have power and money, and all this because inequity at each level and every field of life.
Now we turn the politics of Pakistan the leaders and politicians, today again who all made Pakistani common peoples a fool for their personal gain. Today we can see the ugly form of government system in the name of democracy. They are fooling Pakistani people and making their own wealth. They love to divert the attention of Pakistani people from their real problems like education, employment. Let Pakistani people wake up from sleep and deprivation of their own rights. Today they are like Rubber stamp and puppet in the parliament. It’s needed to seek out grass roots causes of this great failure. Their only agenda was to make money and in order to achieve this goal and they changed laws and politics for his personal benefit. Most landlords’ politicians are illiterate and they selfish, foolish politicians represent the all nation. Here question arise that are they neglect the true values and Quran. Because when we evaluate the history we can see the importance of knowledge. The first word revealed of the Quran Pak was Iqra or Read”. Are those who know equal with those who know not? But only men of understanding will pay heed...” (Az-Zumar: 9)
Good Leaders have to be models to be followed. They to be fair and honest and not do injustice to common people, being good means keeping mutual relationships, such as hope faithfulness, respect and gratitude. It is most essential that we all make special effort to get noble qualities into your lives like control, truthful, trust, respect, listen, and think, punctual and appreciation. Today many leaders/politicians and teachers get jobs through bribery, they do not build the nation and they destroy it. They do not have any support with students and nation, and they exploit students and society for their own selfish purposes.
If they did so, they would certainly faced consequences on the Day of Judgment, Remember one thing that Allah (S.W) has not limited knowledge and leadership to only a few rich but has made it available for all, each and every individual can attain to high degree of piety, a quality that is again not limited to the wealthy elite. Moral behavior is comprised of a sack of virtues, such as honesty, kindness, patience, strength etc. Leaders, media and teachers should play their role to teach these virtues through examples and direct communication of convictions to practice these virtues.
“If you love Allah, follow me; then Allah loves you and forgives you and your sins; and Allah is most forgiving and merciful. Say; Obey Allah and his Messenger. But if they turn away, then remember that Allah does not love the disbelievers. (Surah Ali Imran, Ayat no: 31 – 32)
Let us pray to God that he guide to be honest, kind, and respectful to our parents and teachers, and that we continue to show them humility regardless of the power, position, wealth and influence we may possess. Let us also pray that we discharge our responsibilities towards them, so that God may be pleased with us. Lastly it is important to note that today illiterate minister/leader/politician/landlords get more respect than a highly qualified teacher/scholar/professor. We vehemently/cogently invite these selfish/self-interest/illiterate ministers who award highest degrees to our scholars/ professors/ students who also not know the meaning of this. They have not competent and have no strong character. Its true example is our education system, we can see that the since 1947 to present any government failed to give competent and correct system of education which fulfill the present global village requirements. Today we are not clear about the system of education English medium or Urdu medium/ our government policies are not clear, because lack of interest for common people. Another main reason is our education ministers have no positive vision and he has not known the harms and interruption for the coming generations. Today we can see that most of our politicians and leaders was sentenced imprisonment with a fine of millions for corruption and majorities was truancy and again with the force of wealth they seize power in their politics. They have undergone many shocking ills. At this time we see the other side of this representation. The financially poor but most knowledgeable scholar’s except for some do not enjoy much prestige/regard in the global village today like past.
1- Tawrat, Injeel , Zabur and Quran Pak
2- (17: verse 23, 24)
3- Surah Al Isra, (17: verse, 23.)
4- Tabaraani
5- Az-Zumar: 9.
6- Surah Ali Imran, Ayat No: 31 – 32.)
7- Self observation.
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