The idea of this research is to intricate the role of political leaders, politicians, bureaucrat and establishment, judiciary in the plural societies like Pakistan. Author have discussed the issues and conflicts occur between present government, judiciary, and army. Author has also provided the suggestion for these burning issues. The present Article is an attempt to highlight the evils in the context of the problems of democracy in Pakistan under the present democratic setup.
Failing State
True democratic system in any country makes a country strong and prosperous. People of plural societies should be incorporated politically as well as on a national scale. Plural culture cannot exertion fruitfully accept nearby is societal and financial growth of the state. Therefore, democracy is essential forever. In factual democratic system honesty of a nation is imperative for its safety and success. A strong nation is made when the people of various provinces, religions, factions, cultural and races have the nationwide moral fiber.
The abrogation of constitutions, political volatility and every day confusion and grievances of provinces indicate the problems of national assimilation in federation of Pakistan. These evils damage the integration between federal and province vs. province.
The present collation democratic system in Pakistan, which was brought after the assignation of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto not able to work effectively and has prone many problems. The real present challenge is how do you provide the relief and justice to common citizen of Pakistan? This government fails in the fields of justice, administration, economy, development, security and resistance.
Education in our country unlike in the west was not thought of as a means of promoting democracy or spreading egalitarianism of increasing social mobility. On the contrary its role maintain the status quo, strengthen the ruling class and produce better rulers in order to reinforce the ideology upon which power of the elite rested.
There is no excellent for common citizen of Pakistan. Poor economic management large-scale corruption poor revenue collections are the problems facing the economy of Pakistan. The wealth seeker politicians and top officers at each level and every field of life are also creating the imbalance economy in Pakistan. Today people are killed and the resistance is increasing. Power reflects by guns and money. The gun and money comes from political parties and self-interest ministers and concerns etc.
The daily tussle between the government and the judges is now increasingly seen as a turf war. Other players are trying to take advantage of lying on the situation for their political amplify. The conflict gradually developed in to a bloody, power struggle stuck between political parties, bureaucracy, judiciary and army.
In brief regionalism in Pakistan was encouraged by the political volatility, economic void, and administrative inability. Particularly by the political elites of different provinces. When these political elites and parties fail to reconcile with their displacement and as they were too weak to re-enforce their personalities, they projected regional feelings and furthermore they became more active in putting demand on the political system of Pakistan for giving them provincial autonomy.
The provincial and national governments have always neglected the tribal regions. It is factual that the tribes reluctant any intervention by these governments and have their own tribal system and laws the governments have ineffectual to take steps to get better their basic amenities and standard of living. The tribal areas of Pakistan have an exceptional history and cultural heritage of their own.
The situation is very dangerous, all institutions has lost respect and credibility, politicians have lost trust, state institutions are fighting with each other there is no room for reforms, the masses have no trust on this corrupt system. Remember one thing system is not corrupt actually people who formulate structure make up constitution are corrupt.
Khawaja Nazimuddin (1951 – 1953)
Khawaja Nazimuddin removed by Ghulam Muhammad from his office due to the worsening food condition in Punjab and power struggle among the various leaders.
After the dismissal of Khawaja Nazimuddin government by Ghulam Muhammad appointed Muhammad Ali Bogra, an unknown person from East Pakistan, as the Prime Minister.
Malik Ghulam Muhammad (1954)
On October 24, 1954 Malik Ghulam Muhammad dissolved the Constituent Assembly of Muhammad Ali Bogra.
Chudhary Muhammad Ali:( 1955 – 1956 )
Chudhary Muhammad Ali resigned as a Prime Minister on September 8, 1956. His decision to resign of his own accord is considered as a unique example of political decorun in the history of Pakistan.
Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif:
Democratic governments of both Benazir Bhutto and Muhammad Nawaz Sharif dismissed by democratic Presidents Ghulam Ishaq Khan and Farooq Laghari Khan.
Benazir Bhuttos first term December 2, 1988, to August 6, 1990. President Muhammad Ishaq Khan send home the government on the charges of corruption.
Moin Qureshi:
Top World Bank officer totally unknown in Pakistan felt as a political outsider and neutral personality was appointed as the caretaker Prime Minister , July 18, 1993 to November 5, 1993.
Nawaz Sharif:
First term of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif November 6, 1990 to April 18, 1993.
For the reason that of the serious differences linking the President Ghulam Ishaq Khan and the Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, equally resigned from their offices along with the dissolution of the Central and Provincial Assemblies.
Again second term of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif February 17, 1997 to October 12, 1999, when Pervez Musharraf take over.
Let us turn the present democratic government and see the gifts of this present government of President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani has left the gifts in the name of democracy to common citizen of Pakistan. Present chief ministers provinces of Pakistan who blames each other, but they all together when mutually interest, benefits comes. Instantly they all agree and sit jointly only for self interest not in the favors of common people or national interest. They all use these institutions only for their interest. They valor all officers obey their erroneous orders, dishearten, castigate the honest, intrepid, trustworthy, representative at each level.
- Dissipate rule of law. Obey the law is only for poor and common citizen.
- Encouragement of dishonest, criminals, corrupt, bogus degree holders, deceive etc.
- Corrupt Parliament jointly exploited the rights of common citizen of Pakistan.
- In present rule we can see self-interest over national interest.
- Target killing in Karachiand Baluchistan.
- Devastate of industry.
- Spoil of Railway.
- Blemish of PIA.
- Unemployment.
- Poverty.
- Frustration.
- Inequality.
- Hopeless.
- Vulnerable.
- Corral for common citizen.
- High prices of petrol, gas, electricity, and daily use common things.
- Pakistani cities saw major public demonstrations against drone attack, load shedding, high prices of petroleum and gas. In different parts of a country people protest against load shedding. Now poor deprived people protests and surrounded MNA’S and MPA’S residents because they get votes and these poor dipressed people gives votes to these members. In present anti load shedding protest mubber of people in different cities marched on roads and chanted slogans against inequality, unjustice, unkind behavior of government authorities.
Let’s take a really new start,
- In democratic system government should provide happiness/ prosperity/ justice equally for common citizens.
- Democracy is not a name of deicer.
- Equally impose rule of law in Pakistan, no one superior in the eye of law except taqwa.
- No space of immunity / deals in the field of justice.
- Lets discuss how we can stop violence in Karachi.
- How we can create honest / hard worker / educated citizens forums that unite.
- Increase unity/ honesty/ justice rather than divide.
- Discourage the ethnic elements.
- Equally punish no immunity for rich / powerful peoples.
- Rules and regulations equally for all political parties.
- Discourage the authoritarian system.
- Removal of criminals/ and those personalities who protect the criminals and provide the arms for violation.
- Demolish the bilk system.
- Every effort must be made to get the all-political parties to settle their differences in the favor of national interest.
- Leadership must understand and properly deal with the concerns of common citizen of Pakistan.
- A positive in right direction dialogue for successful posterity and happiness of Pakistan between common people and political leaders will reduce tension and enhance the chances for peace.
- Talking to everyone and find out the solution of bad situation in Karachi, Baluchistan, and other cities of Pakistan.
- A check must be exercised on those political parties and top officers whose activities run to counter the policies of the other political parties.
- In addition province-to-province relations and people-people, healthy contacts with common citizen of Pakistan would prove useful.
- Pakistan, due to unique /honest/hard worker/competent/loyal/ bold/ well educated with democratic think youth can play very vital constructive role in Pakistan.
- Because simply education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to modify the world. We all have the same opinion on this point only education with golden norms and Islamic values save and organize our youth with this influential weapon we can revolutionize the world.
It is important to note that independent judiciary plays important role in federation. Keeping in view the past the independence of judiciary should be maintained for national integration. We may conclude here that since2008, army chief has tried to make the democratic system work and to somehow keep democracy afloat and to encourage the governments to complete their tenures.
In fact corrupt democracy, feudalism and authoritarianism rule have dominated and authoritarian rule is part of the political culture and these things create the problem in the way of true democratic system. Another most strong reason is our present leadership have vision, but in wrong direction only self-interest. Present parliament prefers the Present Asif Ali Zardari to national interest and common people’s welfare. Honest, competent, officers, bureaucrat’s, army officer’s, judges, professors, doctors, scientists, teachers, students, and common honest citizen fail to acknowledge their qualities, honesty and competency at each level.
There is probably no institution in Pakistan which President Asif Ali Zardari and his collation partners and Parliament did not aggressively confront in order to make them comply with his wishes. President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani and Parliamentarians also decided to have a confrontation with the judiciary. They diminish out with present judiciary panel of Supreme Court.
Today people wait patiently bold decisions and fair accountability top to bottom. Pakistan’s prime minister disqualified from office after court rules he failed to follow up on corruption charges. The Supreme Court has decleared ruling of the Speaker National Assembly in contempt of court case is null and void and disqualified Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani. The Chief Justice said the office of the Prime Minister stands vacant since 26th of April 2012, when the apex court gave its verdict in contempt of court case. The Supreme Cour ordered President Asif Ali Zardari to take steps to elect a new prime minister. It is another bold decision and success of honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Today we need honest, competent, well-educated leaders, officers at each level. Without constructive education and justice we cannot obtain fruits. Fair accountability at each level and every field of life is most necessary. We should jointly crushed present corrupt, dishonest system. Today we need new honest system, based on equality and justice.
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