Pakistan has reached the arena of unremitting internal and external bullying. Which are not only disquieting the entire nation but are also putting the very assimilation of the state at stake. Furthermore foreign elements intend to weaken the federation of Pakistan as nuclear assets of our nation rile the eyes of our enemies. Our top leaders made variety of deals with the military and intelligence agencies they repeat the mistakes for self advantage. They monopolized power, pursued contradictory cultural policies and failure of the politicians to reach an agreement. The role of religious parties gave the Pakistan not Islam but Zia-ul-Haq.s eleven years and they support the President Musharraf for further period of rule 1999- 2008.

The military has emitted a long shadow over political views in Pakistan even during the epoch of inhabitant rule. Frequent army involvement in the political affairs of Pakistan has been a step for ruin. It has disenchanted the increase and maturity of parliamentary egalitarianism and shattered whatever little faith people had in their political institutions. The true guardians of Pakistan are honest, brave, pious, loyal and well educated youth.

The army has hit Pakistan's embryonic democratic system four times .Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan Zia ul Haq and General Musharraf. Pakistan's military rulers have had other traits in common. All of them have placed great emphasis on constitutional reforms for the better governance of the country. Ayub Khan devised the system of basic democracy which he dismantled with his own hands before he fell from power. Fifty four years after Ayub's coup, General Pervez Musharraf, All they wants to build a more firm political system by bountiful the army eternal role in decision-making, but there is tiny rationale to consider that he will attest any more talented of establishing robust political institutions than his ancestor. But we can see that present government and provincial government also agree with army operations Rah-e-Nijat and Rah-e-Rast. Here question arises why our democratic leaders failed and agree with army operations.

Who is responsible not a single person or institution responsible many factors involved and spoil the autonomous progression. The religious parties have a broader situate of incentives for pounding up public opinion beside US”. The US is uneasy and against talks with the extremist and Pakistani government. Controversial drone attacks and Pakistani people died in all attacks. Over 90 percent of deaths were determined to be civilian. The United States since 2004 using drones against Al-Qaeda and Talibans. According to the people of Waziristan are suffering a brutal kind of occupation under the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Drone attacks bringing about fear and terror in the common people.

The problem of national assimilation is also a gigantic dispute for democracy in Pakistan. Pakistan is still plagued with ethnic and racial conflicts. In Pakistan racial uniqueness is allied with the faction logic of oddness arising from the interference of a merge status illicit by competitor overriding groups viewed in this way the cyclic bouts of military rule are seen as especially damaging for Pakistan’s national assimilation as the logic of internal colonialism in intensified for communities such as the Baluch, Bengalis and Sindhis who have limited entrance to a Punjabi dominated army. Pushtun ethnic nationalism

The Taliban’s ethical sort is entrenched in ethics that isolate and variance women, ban music and other aesthetic pleasures and endorse retributive integrity and the despotism of mullahs. The bases for the increase of the Taliban are numerous but one not renowned is the urbanization of Pakistan’s common life. It has shaped a mores wrap linking our substance and ethical array. With the nation’s full support, we will succeed in our fight against terrorism. A pithy imminent in to the numerous faces occupied in militancy.

The country needs justice, Fair accountability and repayment at each level. Justice wants force and force wants justice both are related each other. Corruption and lawlessness is social problem of Pakistan in current scenario. As we all know that true principle for humanity is justice and mercy. Overall misgovernance, bribery, cronyism, corruption and dramatic turn can perceive in uncertain situation. The truth about real dishonest forces will remains mucky in obscurity. In the lack of any real peace plan no one succeeded in controlling the escalation brutality. Today judiciary faced many problems; no implementations and finally result in the shape of mistrust. leg pulling each other is common thing. Again we can see the tussle President vs opposition vs Punjab government vs Governor of Punjab etc. No one party fully devoted for the welfare of people. The necessitate to hub on these issues in a unbiased mode rather than focusing on various folks who occur to be in supremacy is more significant. Leaders should adopt the campaign against the wrong steps of government.

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University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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Punjab University PU Lahore

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PUCIT Lahore

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