In order garnish world with a beauty, Nature has always maintained a balance in the objects of this world and so it produced a balancing factor for each and every object. These balancing factors vary in the proportion of the support they provide to their counterpart. Every creature has its own unique value on the face of earth.
In the same way men & women are counted as the supporting counterpart for each other, but the major conflicting part of this system is the term ‘Gender Discrimination’. The major deciders of gender discrimination include the social environment, culture, religion, geographical conditions, economic setup, moral values and education level of the society or area. All these factors individually or in combination bring up the face of gender discrimination. Discrimination represents a significant social problem all around the world. Girls face discrimination everywhere in the world. They often receive less food than boys do, have less seats and vacancies in schools, universities and other educational institutes and also work long hours with fewer wages. Why can't we see the helpless agony of the girl child in our society? Their ignorance will certainly beget to forget our cause, which is still fractured in the regions.
While having a look at education system, we can see that it reflects the inequality found outside the classroom. Girls the world over are less likely than their brothers to be attending primary school. In some cases, where a decision has to be made about which children to send to school, it is commonly seen that parents decide to invest in their sons’ education rather than their daughters’. This may reflect the fact that upon marriage, daughters may no longer contribute to family income and are therefore not seen as worth investing in. So woman is considered as a liability, but not an asset, as she’s not the earning member of the family and she has to depend on the male member of the family for her needs. And man being the earning member of the family is considered as the dominant member of the family.
Keeping in mind such environment in society, the equal employment law of 1964, in its section VII states that, if two individuals have equal level of qualification, they ought to be paid equally.” This law further discourages any kind of discrimination on the basis of gender, race or color.
This Topic of “gender discrimination” is a vast issue of society and also there is no equipment invented yet which can bring changes to our society, only making a law in books is not solution to this problem. Laws which have already been made are comprehensive. Need is there to put them in practice and then evaluating the performance of the law, we cannot leave this topic on the shoulder of our country’s Government, instead domestic, regional and international organizations should plan and execute these laws in collaboration with the local governments.
Finally it’s concluded that, ‘gender discrimination’ in its originality is not a curse. Nature has structured individuals in different physical proportions and everyone is unique is this world, but as far as mental capabilities are concerned, the mental capabilities are kept same for both men and women. And social responsibilities don’t only require physical strength but mental strength as well. So the distribution of responsibilities should not be based only on physical potentials, it brings conflicts for sure. And these conflicts can only be resolved by filling the missing part of mental capabilities, and maintaining a balance between the distribution of responsibilities on the basis of equality and equity.
Kanwal Batool
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