Today Pakistan was under the peril of many problems connecting to democracy. Pakistani people are fed up with their politicians as they promise full-fledged democracy but all not succeed to accomplish their sham promises. It is vital to note that a craving for the construction of democracy is present among the nation. The people who have the great potentials can have the exact path if they are suitably guided. But some selfish elements had bent obstacles in the way of democracy. When we evaluate the past we see that some time Punjabi Governor General dismissed the Bengali Prime Minister and his cabinet and spoil the democratic process. Unfortunately army again and again prearranged chance and create the obstacles in the mode of democratic state. Politicians find a way to improve governance to solve peoples problems, the people will be condemned to recur the past history of democracy’s collapse in Pakistan. But it is important to note that many feudal narrow minded have prisons and own armies. Not one leader, politician, army, religious leaders and bureaucrats are responsible failure of democratic system in Pakistan. It is not a social system it is a methodology used in different verities. The weakness of democratic practices in Pakistan can be explained in different ways. The eminence of democratic system depends on the openness possibility of our youth. Democracy is the only way out of our problems at each level. Let us talk to some of these troubles.

Obstacle in the way of Democracy

  1. Firstly, the imposition of Martial Law, military comes and no goes back. The dictatorial rule for a long time results in the atrophy of democratic forces.
  2. Secondly, culture of feudalism has become a severe migraine for the nation. Change of faces has not served any purpose structural changes are necessary.
  3. Thirdly, Lack of education is a major problem that education is the backbone of democracy. Lack of education prevents him from taking a right decision.
  4. Fourth, tolerance is the most prominent feature.
  5. Fifth, unaware civil society also creates the barrier in the way of democracy.
  6. Six, Lack of character, integrity, and moral sense make the difference.
  7. Seven, Incapability of political forces is also generating troubles in the system of democracy. Shortsighted corrupt politicians are damage the process of democracy.
  8. Eight, in assemblies Quota system but a social injustice of preferring an incompetent person to a qualified one.
  9. Another obvious source of division is religion, like Sunnis versus Shias, Muslims versus non-Muslims.
  10. Another serious obstacle to democracy is gross inequality of wealth. Extreme inequality of wealth is also a fertile ground for communist subervision and terrorism, which is countered by torture and disappearance.
  11. In poor countries another problem is kleptocracy a government of crooks.
  12. Self determination would be useful. The main obstacles are vested interests in preserving the status quo.

Some Vital Elements

  1. Rule of law
  2. Independence of judiciary
  3. Sovereignty of parliament
  4. Accountability at each level
  5. Fair elections
  6. National interest
  7. Good governance
  8. Equal right to vote, one person one vote.
  9. Guarantee of basic Human Rights, to every individual person, social groups.
  10. Freedom of opinion, speech, press and mass media.
  11. Religious liberty is most crucial in favor of democratic route.
  12. Separation of powers, between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicative power.

It is essential that educated competence good governance of democratic institutions like, legislature, executive and the judiciary save the democratic system in Pakistan. Lack of education and character-building does not avert him from taking a right decision in different fields. The failure of democracy to take roots in Pakistan has often been equated with military dictatorship. Elected governments have been removed by the army, with the support of president. Except these occasions 1993 and 1996 when another civilian government was installed in its place, and in the remaining three times, 1958, Ayub Khan; 1977, Zia-ul-Haq; 1999, Pervez Musharraf, military leaders seized power for themselves outright. One thing is very important to note that why army seize power again and again.

Supremacy in favors of the bureaucracy and the military.

When we analyze the history of Pakistan we can see that armed, civil service have for eternity taken all foremost decisions. It’s not in favor for the strength of democracy.

  1. From 1951-58 democratic government in name, real power in the hand of bureaucracy.
  2. During the time of 1958-69 real power in the hand of military.
  3. Period of 1969-71 again real power in the bureaucracy.
  4. As of 1971-77, real power is the democratic government.
  5. Once more 1977-88, real power in the hands of military.
  6. For the period of 1988-99, we can see the competitive democracy.
  7. Yet again 1999-2001, real power is military.
  8. As of 2001-2008, democratic government in name and real power is military. U.S.A. strong factor manipulate.

Yet, the breakdown of democracy in Pakistan cannot be responsible on the army alone. It is essential to analyze the conditions that permissible the military to come to rule. Why did the people come to faith the army more than their political privileged? Democracy can never thrive under a corrupt atmosphere. We can see that the accountability remains a popular slogan with our democratic rulers in all period. Majority of our selfish politicians follow the path of Zia-ul-Haq.s 8th amendment. It was time that all people play role for democracy. Present confrontational policies were against the democratic process. , Democracy in Pakistan has had a chequered history. Twice the country’s constitution has been abrogated 1958 and 1969 and twice suspended. No prime minister has yet completed his tenure. When we evaluate the past period of democratic government both Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif we can see corruption, incompetence and chaos. Corruption has been a permanent indict beside outgoing regimes. Both democratic political parties had left the country in a dangerous. And democratic President uses the Zial-ul-Haq’s 8th amendment proudly. Democratic president dismiss the democratic government. Durind period of elected democratic period 1988-1999 rulers themselves responsible for the failure of democratic system of a country.

During this period leg puling and musical game in the name of long march and train march create the problems for voyage of democracy and harm for political growth in Pakistan. We not evaluate him and our politicians blame the army. Our political parties bewildered. In Pakistan unprincipled political figures motivated by raw ambition and material gain. Without transparency and accountability we not originate the spirit of democracy in Pakistan. Another major issue is civil-military relations are play key role to our democratic stability. It is a persist process and it will progress with the passage of time. In sum when military perceived that civilian leadership was unable to govern. The result has been several military administrations (1958-69, 1969-71, 1977-88, and 1999-2008), which ruled Pakistan for roughly of its history and all unable egotistic, inept and clumsy politicians are responsible for this acts. Due to these corrupt elements in politics the trust of common man in democracy and political institutions had badly shattered.

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University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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Punjab University PU Lahore

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PUCIT Lahore

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