Exam results are available online six weeks after examination is conducted. Students can follow the below stated link to find out their results online. Regular candidates get their results from their schools.
A printed copy will be provided to you till the original certificate is issued. In the event that you are a regular school candidate, your result and certificate will be sent to the respective school. On the off chance that you are a private candidate, they will be sent on your home address. Certificates are normally sent within a few weeks after the temporary results are displayed online.If you were expecting higher results then you may have the chance to retake your exams or even demand re-checking.
In the event that you are a regular school candidate and feel that your exam results are inaccurate, you ought to converse with your instructor and If your teacher concurs that you ought to demand a re-check, please request them to do so within one month of your result declaration. Applications from school candidates are not acknowledged separately.
In case you are a private candidate, you ought to contact the British Council within the same time period. Keep in mind that your evaluation and grade may be brought down, affirmed or raised after the enquiry or re-marking. Separate fees per subject is also charged for re- evaluation.
Download the re-evaluation form and fill it appropriately.
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