Cambridge A Level grading is on a six point scale (A* to E). Grade C in Cambridge A Level examinations satisfies the English proficiency requirements of many universities in the UK and other Anglophone countries.
However, A Level grades can make admission in the world’s major English medium and non-English medium schools easier.
Normally, there are two to five papers for each course. Most courses, such as Economics, Physics or Accounting include papers for both multiple choice questions (MCQ’s) and data response/case study questions so that the students can be evaluated on both the understanding of basic concepts and as well as their ability to infer and evaluate the case study given.
Every examiner is provided with a marking scheme, a reference document from which the examiners can realize the required points that had to mention in each answer and then grade the papers accordingly. The marking schemes are the same for each student, worldwide, and no cultural or racial biases are involved during the marking process. Also, the examiners are experienced professors and researchers who have mastered their respective courses and are perfectly eligible to grade each exam.
If a student fails to come up to the minimum requirement, he/she is awarded grade U which means “unclassified”.
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