General SPSC Test Guidelines 2025
Each application must be accompanied with the original Challan or Treasury receipt of fee as mentioned in the advertisement. The fee can be paid through Challan in Government Treasury or in any Branch of the National Bank Pakistan in Sindh, State Bank of Pakistan or in a State Treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of the Government of Sindh. The receipt of this deposit should be attached with the application form.
Each application must be accompanied with the original Challan or Treasury receipt of fee as mentioned in the advertisement. The SPSC Test fee 2025 can be paid through Challan in Government Treasury or in any Branch of the National Bank Pakistan in Sindh, State Bank of Pakistan or in a State Treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of the Government of Sindh. The receipt of this deposit should be attached with the application form.
SPSC Exam Guidelines 2025 in Pakistan
- The application form must be filled in carefully and legibly. If the handwriting is not good, block letters should be used. Use of Typewriter is permitted. No Column of the application form should be left blank. In case any column “Not applicable “.If more space is needed, additional pages may be used. If any column is left blank or a line is drawn across, it will be presumed that the reply is nil.
- Separate application and separate fee is required for each post advertised by the Commission.
- Incomplete and unsigned application may be rejected summarily.
- A candidate, who suppresses information, furnishes incorrect information or knowingly furnishes any particulars, which are false or submits forged certificates may be disqualified from appearing in subsequent selection/examination(s) held by the Commission and debarred from employment under Government.
- If a candidate sends the application by post and desires an acknowledgement, he/she must send it through Registered post. No application will otherwise be acknowledged.
- The Commission will not be responsible for any delay in the delivery of letters sent by post. Applications received in office of the Commission after last date fixed for the receipt of applications, will not be entertained.
- On the Treasury Challan the candidate should clearly indicate the name of the post for which the fee is being sent and also inscribe legibly on it the following classification in the column of “Head of Account” Receipt of Sindh Government under the "C02101-Organ of State-Exam Fee (SPSC Receipts)"
- Cash or Postal Orders, Cheques and Bank Drafts will not be accepted by Sindh Public Service Commission.
- Applications not accompanied by original copy of Challan or a Treasury Receipt will be liable for rejection.
- A candidate who submits an application from a place which is outside Pakistan is required to produce at the time of interview, Original Challan of a sum as mentioned in the advertisement deposited in any branch of State/National Bank or Government Treasury
SPSC Age Calculation Policy
The age of candidate is reckoned from the date of birth recorded in his matriculation certificate. The date for calculation of age will be the closing date for submission of application given in the advertisement.
SPSC Fee Refund Policy
No claim or refund of the fee will be entertained by the Commission
SPSC Govt-Semi Government Employee Policy
A candidate who is already employed in Government or Semi-Government Department or private recognized institution should submit the application through his/her Head of the Department. The candidate should get the prescribed proforma forwarded by the Head of the Department or employer within closing date fixed by the Commission. One copy of the application should be sent well in advance for information.
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