Federal Medical & Dental College FMDC Islamabad is public sector medical college which comes under Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University, Islamabad has announced first merit list for all categories of MBBS program on 4th November, 2019.
FMDC, Islamabad Merit Details
There are total 11 categories for which FMDC 1st Merit List for MBBS Program was shared and merit detail of each category is as follows:
- For 6 seats of OPEN MERIT in FMDC, highest merit is 96.0545 % .
- For 2 seats of AJK QUOTA, merit is 94.3409 % .
- For 5 seats of BALUCHISTAN QUOTA, starting merit is 89.75 % .
- For 2 seats of FATA, merit is 86.2727 %.
- For 9 seats of FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, merit starts from 94.8181 %.
- For 10 FEDERAL SEATS, starting merit is 85.8409 % .
- For 2 seats of GILGIT BALTISTAN, merit it 88.1363 %.
- For 10 seats of KPK QUOTA SEATS, merit starts from 89.2727 %.
- For 38 seats of Punjab QUOTA SEATS, highest merit is 95.2045%.
- For 9 seats of SINDH–R , merit is 92.0454 % while 93.409 % is merit for 6 seats of Sindh–U.
Overall, the merit of Federal Medical & Dental College (FMDC) for 98 seats of all categories start from 96.0454 % and last merit is 93.403 % which is highest merit as compared to UHS & KMU MBBS merit of 2019.
Important Notice by the SZABMU, Islamabad
In case of any query, objection reservation candidate can communicate this within 48 hours of the issuance. After that o query will be entertained by the university.
Selected candidates can deposit their fee till 11th November, 2019 to the FMDC Islamabad. In case of fee deposit after the due date, admission will be cancelled.