The University of Health Sciences has announced the admissions in the DPT and BS programs. The applications are invited from the eligible candidates in the offered degree programs. The candidates can take admission in Doctor of Physical therapy, BS Genetics and Molecular Biology, BS Biomedical Sciences, BS Transfusion Medicine, and BS Public Health. The admission schedule has been provided by the candidates that they must follow during the admission process. Moreover, the other details regarding the UHS admissions have also been issued to facilitate the students. The duration of the DPT program is 05 years and the duration of other BS programs is 04 years.
Eligibility Criteria
Following is the eligibility criteria provided by the university that must be fulfilled by the candidates.
• For the UHS DPT admissions 2022, the Punjab domicile candidates who have passed the HSSC/FSc Pre-medical or equivalent study program with at least 60% marks are eligible to apply.
• For admission in the other degree programs the Punjab domicile candidates who have passed the HSSC/FSc Pre-medical or equivalent study program with at least 50% marks are eligible to apply.
How To Apply?
• The candidates have to submit the online application form through the web portal of UHS.
• Check the eligibility criteria and then proceed with the online admission form.
• Fill in the application form with the required information.
• On the initial submission, a password will be generated and sent to the email of the candidates.
• The candidates have to enter the order of preference for the programs.
• Before the final submission of the application form, the candidates have to submit the admission processing fee of Rs. 2000/- at the National Bank of Pakistan (Shiekh Zaid Hospital Branch Lahore).
• The paid challan must be uploaded by the candidates along with the online admission form.
• Upload the scanned documents as mentioned in the application form.
• Verify the entered information before the final submission. Once the application is submitted the candidates will not be able to edit it.
• Then make the final submission of the application form, afterward, the confirmation notification will be sent to the candidates at the email address.

Admission Schedule
Following is the admission schedule announced by the UHS.
- Online Application Start Date :17th November 2021
- Online Application Closing Date :1st December 2021
- First Merit List on UHS website :6th December 2021
- Last date for submission of fee :14th December 2021
- Second Merit list on UHS website :17th December 2021
- Third Merit list on UHS website :24th December 2021
- Commencement of classes :10th January 2022
Important Note
• Incomplete applications and the applications submitted after the last date will not be entertained in any case. It is the responsibility of the candidates to submit the complete application form with the correct details.
• After the submission of the online application form the candidates are not required to submit the print out of the application form.
• Admission will be only granted to the students based on merit.
• The candidates having the foreign qualification to submit the equivalence certificate issued by IBCC.