National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) is inviting applications from deserving aspirants for interest-free Students Loan Scheme (SLS) 2015-16 before 30th May 2016.
“To apply for this student’s loan scheme, students can submit their forms till 30th May 2016”.
As per official sources, the aspirants of academic year 2015-16 of government institutes, who are registered for graduation, post-graduation, MPhil and PhD programs are eligible to apply for this loan.
The educational loans under the scheme will be granted to aspirants, who are residents of Pakistan, involving the residents of Northern Areas, Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Azad Jammu and Kashmir and also of age not more than 21 years for graduation, 31 years of post-graduation as well as36 years for PhD.
Under this scheme, financial aid will be given by way of mark-up free loans to the admirable aspirants who have limited finance for chasing their studies in scientific, technical as well as professional education in Pakistan.
The main target of this Students Loan Scheme is to offer the financial aid to the aspirants of insufficient means who have secured 70% marks in the last exams and are unable to continue their studies in the country because of financial problems.
The aspirants who will get loan under this scheme will have to pay it within next 10 years. The first installment is to be paid after six months of getting the job or after one year of completion of studies.
Click here to download application forms for Student''s Loan Scheme.
These educational loans are available in engineering, electronics, oil gas and petrochemical technology, agriculture, medicine, physics, chemistry, biology, molecular biology and genetics, mathematics as well as in natural sciences fields.
The approved application forms are available at different designated branches of National Bank of Pakistan. The loans will be given only to the deserving aspirants on availability of funds whereas the approval is subject to the availability of funds. Incomplete, late as well as the other than prescribed forms will not be entertained.