Islamabad, Hamdard University, Islamabad Campus is going to held its 10th convocation on April 9 at the auditorium of International Islamic University (IIU), Faisal Mosque Campus.
The degrees will be awarded to over 200 students of Management Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Engineering Sciences. The particular graduate students and alumni can get register with the deputy controller examination till April 07.
All graduates/ post graduates of HU are advised to apply for proper registration to the Deputy Controller of Examinations, HUIC, 23 East, Fazal ul Haq Raoad, Blue Area Islamabad.
Registration forms will be available for issuance of invitation cards to the students at DCE office. Academics Robes will be provided to the graduates/ post graduates between 9:00am to 4:00pm from the April 04 to 07 by depositing an amount of Rs 8500/.
Graduates/ post graduates will be allowed to enter the hall if they are dressed in Academic Robes and produce the invitation cards issued by the university.
Hamdard University, Islamabad Campus is offering several programs Engineering and Computer Science, Business Administration and Management and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Islamabad campus is sited in F-8 Markaz having access to public transport and other services. HU has established another campus, Madinat al- Hikmah Islamabad, and the construction work was started in 2012.
Telenor Pakistan is initiating a Summer Internship Program 2013 and last date for submission of application is April 01, 2013.
Telenor Pakistan Internship Program 2013 has been re-designed its internship program this year to not only train the interns for the corporate world but also to filter talent to create ‘Talent Pools’ for entry level positions in the company.
Only shortlisted candidates will be called. Candidates with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
The Internship program 2013 has been opened in the cities of Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Faisalabad, Peshawar and Hyderabad.
Duration for internship will be consisted of 6-8 months. Each candidate will be part of actual and current projects and will part take towards the completion of the project.