BS Physics course Outline of Pakistan Universities 2025

On this page, you can find all information about BS Physics Syllabus in Pakistan, subjects, curriculum, core subjects, road map of courses that are going to be taught throughout the degree of eight semesters among FAQs.

The importance of books of BS Physics subjects in Bachelor of Physics Student life cannot be underestimated as books are the ultimate guide or resource through which students can increase their ranking as students and can improve their livelihood by earning and getting promotion in their career

Physics as a science, the major portion involves the study of the universe involving the study of the cosmos and its subatomic particles. BS Physics Syllabus involves the physicist's long set tradition for carrying out mathematical reasoning, observation, experimentation, and research.

BS Physics Course Outline 2025

Undergraduate students studying a bachelor of physics studying BS Hons Physics Subjects are immensely involved towards computational research, physics research study, experimental physics as well as theoretical core courses.

Undergraduate students studying BS physics can choose from a variety of research streams included in the HEC BS Physics Syllabus in Pakistan enabling students to study cosmology, quantum optics, computational physics, Nano-photonics, and Spintronics among others

BS Physics Subjects Curriculum 2025

Undergraduate students of bachelor of the physics degree program must follow HEC advised BS Physics Subjects curriculum including the various number of core physics subjects as well as electives selected by the student. Bachelor of physics syllabus includes various subjects ranging from mathematics, humanities, fundamental science, and social science fields.

Bachelor of the physics degree program consists of eight study semesters comprising four year study period. Students must go through various important BS Physics 1st Semester subjects like calculus, English composition, and physics lab course, mechanics of particles, and introduction of computing among others.

Students studying bachelor of physics degree programs must complete total of 130 credit hours towards their degree requirement under HEC guidelines. Students are required to select their major physics core subjects as well as other free physics elective courses as specified by the university or college.

Course Outline of BS Physics

Students studying in the best university for BS physics in Pakistan will also get a chance to study and examine the various range of physics topics including complex biological molecules, forms of energy and their diverse uses, changing atmosphere working of modern devices and electronics among others. The best universities in Pakistan try to ensure the bachelor of physics degree program curriculum is up to date and complies with international standards.

Rules regarding major core physics courses and electives in the BS physics degree program are updated under HEC guidelines. Studying a bachelor of physics degree enable students to experience no boundaries of diverse science which is the basis for all other fields of science while also providing students training towards implication and understanding of methods and concepts applied towards professional fields in the industry.

BS Physics Subjects

Sample of Bachelor of Physics degree program is a follows

Semester 1

Sr No. Semester 1 Course Title
1 ENG1118 English language
2 ISLST1119 Ialamiyat
3 PHYS1101 Elementary Mechanics
4 PHYS1102 Waves,Oscillations and optics
5 MATH1101 calculus-1
6 MATH1102 Applied Mathmatics
7 CHEM1101


Semester 2

Sr No. Semester 2 Course Title
1 ENG1218
Englisg language
2 PAKST1219
Pakistan studies
3 PHYS1201 Electricity and magnetism
4 PHYS1202 Thermodynamic and kinetic energy
Calculus -ll
Analytical Geometry
7 BIO 1201 biology


Semester 3

Sr No. Semester 3 Course Title
1 PHYS1301
Concept of modern physics
2 PHYS2302 Physics lab-l
3 MATH2301
Differential equation -l
Pure Mathmatics
5 CSCI2301 Computer science
6 COMM2301
Introduction to commerce / marketing


Semester 4

Sr No. Semester 4 Course Title
1 PHYS2401 Basic electronic
2 PHYS2402 Physics lab-ll
3 MATH2402 Differential Equation-ll
4 MATH2404 Linear algebra
5 CSCI2401 Computer Science-ll


Semester 5

Sr No. Semester 5 Course Title
1 PHYS3501 Classical mechanics
2 PHYS3502 Mathematical method of physics-l
3 PHYS3503 Solid state of physics - l
4 PHYS3504 Electronic device and circuits
5 PHYS3505 Quantum mechanics -l
6 PHYS3506 Physics lab -ll


Semester 6

Sr No. Semester 6 Course Title
1 PHYS3601 Quantum Mechanics II
2 PHYS3602 Computational Physics
3 PHYS3603 Digital Electronics
4 PHYS3604 Physics Lab 4
5 PHYS3605 Solid State Physics-II
6 PHYS3606 Mathematical Methods of Physics-Il


Semester 7

Sr No. Semester 7 Course Title
1 PHYS4701 Nuclear Physics
2 PHYS4702 Statistical Physics
3 PHYS4703 Classical Electrodynamics-I
4 PHYS4704 Relativity and Cosmology
5 PHYSXXXX Optional Paper-I (Part A)
6 PHYSXXXX Optional Paper-I (Part B)
7 PHYS4835 Thesis in lieu of four Optional


Semester 8

Sr No. Semester 8 Course Title
1 PHYXXX Optional Paper-II (Part B)
2 PHYXXX Optional Paper-II (Part A)
3 PHY4801 Classical Electrodynamics-II
4 PHY4802 Nuclear Physics-II
5 PHY4803 Computational Physics-Il
6 PHY4835 Thesis in lieu of four Optional


BS Physics Syllabus Frequently Asked Questions

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