A person' mind is so powerful. We can invent, create, experience and destroy things with thoughts alone. (Quoted)

Have you ever noticed these terms: Happiness, depression, motivation, compromise, love, understanding, hope, worry, joy, inspiration, and satisfaction? What does they mean? Having physical existence? Nah, obviously not. But we can feel them. So these are just logical terms refer to our feelings, our thoughts.

Actually these are the mental states help us to react in certain situations. Now the question is who is responsible to handle the system. There is a master MIND behind all this happening. MIND is the supervisor of an ordinary and extraordinary person. Unfortunately, we are unfamiliar of the great power inside us. Power is to charge up yourself with world' fuel (positive thoughts) to produce something incredible you desire. We must ignite the power of mind because what we think inside becomes reality one day. We're designing our external world inside.

Fortunately we all have brain and mind. Oh, don't get confuse in both terms. These are actually same but just a minor difference

Brain is the physical organ within our skull.

Mind is fertile ground of thoughts.

We are amazing creation. We cultivate our mind with program thoughts to produce desired outcome. Thought is the mental act that allows humans to make sense of things in the world. There is a perfect relationship between thought and mind. So what going to help us to produce incredible desired world? Our MIND work for us but we need to program it first. We need to direct it how to respond in certain conditions, and it will do a brilliant job. It's now up to us whether we control our minds or our mind controls us.

We're familiar of many successful personalities with minimal attention paid to what strategy they adopted to be counted in that list. They actually shaped their minds by their thoughts, perception, and concentration. We all have incredible qualities then why we're thousand steps back from them.

It's now useless to say “We are living our pre-written life". No no! We are actually here to create our lives by shaping our mind with thoughts of success, happiness, prosperity, and throwing out negativity such as fear and worry.

How mind works?

We have two states of mind. Conscious, the way we accept things actually happening (External world). Subconscious, the way we force our mind to accept things (internal world).Our subconscious mind affect our physical reality. I would love to quote these amazing lines

“Before something happens in the external world, it must first happen in the internal world."

Lines from Tony Robbins' book “Unlimited power"

Mind communicates us with our thoughts. To take decisions wisely, to act in certain situations, to behave, to influence others, to be successful with little effort, to improve our health, Our mind plays an amazing role to handle all.. Everything happens to us is the OUTCOME of our mind perception.

Feeling of fear, happiness, sorrow, achievement etc. all are the outcome of what we put inside our mind .Our mind is actually ruling us but remember one thing, we cultivate our mind and then get what seeds we had cultivated.

Creativity even comes through mind functionality. We imagine, create, and play with our own thoughts.

Mind can be ordinary, intelligent or exceptional it simply depends on us how we shape it.

The most interesting game is to play with our own mind. It will exactly respond how we program it. It's like newly born baby, if we repeat something it will learn too fast, We allow it to make sense of what's going on around us(perception).

“Mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see a better world." ? Amit Ray

We control life with our minds not brains. Changing internally (subconscious mind) is really important to live more standardize and successful conscious life.

May be we all have same brain ability but different mind sets

“The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds." -Will Durant

We are blessed with a capability to shape our mind with our own perceptions and these PERCEPTION is the major difference between the ordinary person and the most successful one. We must discover our full potential through new, creative methods of living. The power of decision, action, charging our cells with mind power.

We set our goals, destination in our mind then the possible ways must also be discovered in our mind with new, creative, positive thoughts because new life can only be created by new thoughts.

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University Of Management And Technology Umt Lahore

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Punjab University PU Lahore

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