Larkana Board Result 2024 Updates 

According to the most recent information, the BISE Larkana Board is yet to be conduct the annual matric exams of class 9th and 10th for the session 2024. However, the final exams of intermediate of class 11th and 12th have been administered by the Board on May 2024. Students will be provided their date sheet of intermediate on April 2024. The candidates who were waiting for their larkana board result 2024 are advised to visit the official website to check the 12 class result. The 11 class result updates will be found on this page. 

Quick Information on 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Result 2024

Here we have mentioned the recent information regarding the larkana board result and the dates for the student’s convenience. The result updates of SSC and HSSC will be available here. 

Larkana Board Result Dates:

9th class result date

 29-Aug-2024 06:00 PM

10th class result date

 29-Aug-2024 06:00 PM

11th class result date

 15-Sep-2024 11:00 AM

12th class result date

 11-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 

Overview of the Larkana Board

The annual matric and intermediate exams are held in Larkana in accordance with the timetable specified by the Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education. The Board was founded in 1965. The board gives exams to associated students at the SSC and HSSC levels each year. The Larkana board oversees a large territory. The names of the areas can be checked here.

The following are the jurisdiction of the Larkana Board:

  • Larkana District

  • Kamber and ShahdadKot District

  • Shikarpur District

  • Jacobabad District

  • Kashmore District

  • Dadu District

  • Khairpur District

Contact Details of Larkana Board

The contact details for the BISE Larkana Board are included in the table below. This table contains the address, phone number, and email for students who are seeking them.

Contact Number of Larkana Board

(074) 9410533

Chairman of Larkana Board

Syed Ali Shah Bukhari

Email Number of Larkana Board

Website of Larkana Board

Address of Larkana Board

BISE, Larkana Road, SITE Area Larkana, Sindh



Matric Results of BISE Larkana Board 2024

The Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education BISE Larkana will be released the exam date of matric part 1 and 2. Students who have enrolled in the matric, have not given the exams yet. The date sheet will be released on March 2024. The Larkana Board issues the result on its schedule. When the result and exam date is revealed, they will be available on our website first. However, the Larkana Board Result 2024 will be available after the conduction of final exams. 

9th Class Result Announcement of BISE Larkana Board

The Larkana Board comes under the Sindh Board. The Board has its timetable of releasing the date for SSC part 1 exams. Students of the 9th class who are waiting for their final exams are advised to stay in touch with us. We will let you know about all the recent updates that are coming towards Larkana Board. However, it should be kept in mind that the annual result will be made and announced after the conduction of exams. 

9th Class Result Status: (Expected to announce on August 2024)

  1. The Larkana Board result is not announced yet.

  2. The 9th class exams are conducted by the Board.

  3. The students of the 9th class will be able to get their result from the official website.

  4. You can use various techniques for online checking the result.

  5. Students of class 9th have to take 33 % marks to pass each subject in the result.

Result Updates on 10th Class 2024 Larkana Board

The candidates of the 10th class who are affiliated with the Larkana Board are welcome to this portal. We are here to provide you with all the essential details regarding your exams and result. So, according to the recent updates, it is clearly stated that the 10th class exam date is yet to be declared by the Larkana Board. The students of class 10th will appear in the exams when the date sheet is released. However, the final result of the 10th class will be made public after 3 months of the conduction of exams. 

10th Class Result Status: (Expected to announce on July 2024)

  1. The 10th class exams are conducted yet by the Larkana Board.

  2. The larkana board result 10th class 2024 will be available after 3 months of the conduction of exams. 

  3. The Board awarded medals to the top students on the result day.

  4. Students can verify their results using a number of methods, such as their roll number, SMS, name, or the gazette.

  5. The gazette will be available on our website after the result.

SSC Result Updates on Bise Larkana Board 2024

All the SSC students are informed that the annual exams was conducted on May 2024. You do not have to worry at all. The Larkana Board was issued the exam date on its official website. We are always here to inform you first. The SSC part 1 and 2 result will be published after the administration of the annual exams. Students are advised to keep visiting us for more updates. 

SSC Result Status: (Expected to announce on July 2024)

  1. The result of the SSC has not been declared yet.

  2. The exams of SSC for part 1 and 2 are yet to be conducted.

  3. The result will be available on the Larkana Board’s official website.

  4. The roll number is the common way of checking the result.

  5. The total marks in the SSC result are 1200.

Result Updates of Intermediate of BISE Larkana Board 2024

The results of BISE Larkana Board result will made public for the 12 class. However, students can check their result using their roll number. The result of class 11 have not been declared yet. You can also get the result from your institute.  Our website, Ilmkidunya, provides all the pertinent information regarding the Larkana Board result.

Latest Result Information of Larkana Board 2024 for Class 11

The 11 class result larkana board 2024 will be announced soon. Candidates who took the final exams for the 11th grade have been advised that the result will be revealed in October 2024. The final exams of the 11 class were held in May 2024. Students have been given their date sheet in May. Additionally, we advised students to keep in touch with us. You will be updated on all the most recent information.

11 Class Result Status: (Expected to announce on October 2024)

  1. The result of 11 class will be available in October as planned. 

  2. The result date will be available on our website.

  3. The annual exams were held by the Larkana Board in May 2024.

  4. The gazette of 11 class result will be available on ilmkidunya.

  5. All the result related information can be found from this page.

12 Class Result Updates of Larkana Board 2024

The Larkana Board conducted the 12 class exams in May 2024. The final exam period has not ended, and the larkana board 12th result 2024 will be announced on September 2024. Students have a variety of options for checking their exam result. All the result checking ways are mentioned on this page below.

12 Class Result Status: (Expected to announce on September 2024)

  1. The 12 class result will be announced by the Larkana Board on Septeber 2024. 

  2. The exams of 12 class were conducted in May 2024.

  3. The Board released the date sheet in May 2024.

  4. The students of class 12 who passed the class can enroll in the University now.

  5. Those who get the highest marks are advised to make a list of top institutes to apply for graduation.

Latest Updates on Inter Result of BISE Larkana Board

All intermediate students who are interlinked with the Larkana Board are welcome to use this website. We are prepared to provide you with the details regarding your BISE Larkana Inter Result 2024. Students are informed that you do not have to wait for long. The inter part 1 result will be announced in October as planned. However, the inter part 2 result will be announced on September 2024.

Inter Result Status: (Expected to announce on September 2024)

  1. Keep in touch with us to get the latest updates on the result of inter.

  2. The groups of inter include I.Com, FSc, ICS, and FA.

  3. The result gazette includes the result of the present and previous years.

  4. The gazette is also uploaded by us on our website for student assistance. 

  5. The larkana board result check code is mentioned in the procedure below on this page. 

Result Updates of FSc by Larkana Board 2024

Results for part 2 of the Larkana Board for FSc students will be released on September. Students in the FSc pre-engineering and medical programs can now confirm their results by visiting the official website. Students appeared in the final exams in May 2024. The date sheet for the student's annual exams was issued to them in May 2024. Students of FSc who passed the class will be eligible to apply in the University.

FSc Result Status: (Expected to announce on September 2024)

  1. The FSc part 2 result will be released soon.

  2. The candidates of FSc can confirm their results by visiting the official website of the Board. 

  3. The total marks in the result are 1200 for both parts. 

  4. The easiest way of checking the result is SMS.

  5. The SMS code of the Larkana Board for checking the result is 800291.

Result Announcement of I.Com for Bise Larkana Board 2024

It takes two years to complete the Intermediate of Commerce I.Com program. The I.Com program is offered by a number of public and private institutions. In I.Com, students have a variety of career options. The results of the I.Com part 1 and 2 final examination session were keenly anticipated by the students who took part in. However, it should be remembered that the Larkana Board has already announced the I.Com part 2 result.

I.Com Result Status: (Expected to announce on September 2024)

  1. I.Com is a field of Business.

  2. In I.Com, students have to learn a variety of subjects like economics, finance, statistics, accounting, and banking.

  3. After completing the I.Com program, candidates can enroll in the B.Com.

  4. I.Com takes 2 years to complete.

  5. Those students who fail in the final result are advised not to take the stress. You can reappear in the papers in the 2nd annual exams. 

HSSC Results of the Larkana Board 2024

After three months of the final annual examinations, the BISE larkana Board hssc result will be released. Students who are waiting for their results are advised that they can view their result by the official website. When the results will made available, you can use any of the numerous techniques listed on this page to confirm them. The most common method of verifying the result is the roll number. Keep checking our website for fresh updates.

HSSC Result Status: (Expected to announce on September 2024)

  1. The results for the HSSC Part 1 & Part 2 for the final exams of 2024 will be announced for HSSC part 2. 

  2. The result will be declared on September 2024.

  3. The Larkana board uploads the file of the gazette on its official website that contains the result of HSSC for all groups for students.

  4. We will let you know when the Larkana Board announces the HSSC part 1 result.

  5. The HSSC part 2 students can use a way of SMS to check their result by using an offline method.

Result of ICS by Larkana Board 2024

Numerous colleges offer an intermediate program in computer science (ICS). ICS takes 2 years to complete. Computers have a field called ICS. Students that participate in this program can do their specialization in this program. Every year, the ICS final exams for both parts are given by the Larkana Board. The ICS exams began in May 2024. However, the date sheet was released in May 2024. Candidates can check their result on the official website of the Board.

ICS Result Status: (Expected to announce on September 2024)

Result Declaration of FA of BISE Larkana Board for 2024 Session

In the FA, students have a wide range of combination options. Students in FA can earn the highest scores in their final results if they prepare adequately for the exams. Students who set the FA exams in 2024 now have access to the BISE larkana FA 2024 result. The FA is a design and painting field. You can get enrolled in the top institutes after passing their result. 

FA Result Status: (Expected to announce on September 2024)

  1. The FA program has a number of subjects for the students to choose from.

  2. Students of FA can get the highest marks in the result if they want. 

  3. After passing the result of FA, students can apply to art institutes to enhance their skills.

  4. There are many opportunities available for the arts students.

  5. The FA result is made after conducting the annual exams. 

Gazette of Bise Larkana Board 2024

On the Board’s website, students can check their final result through a gazette. The Gazette is available on the official website after 1 hour after the result announcement. We also upload the gazette on our website.





Larkana Board Gazette

 Coming Soon

How to Check the Result of the BISE Larkana Board for 2024?

You can verify your bise Larkana via a variety of methods. To check the result, you can follow the ways and procedures that are mentioned below. 

Check the Result by Roll Number: 

The instructions are available here for students who are looking for a way to check their result by roll number. Follow the procedure to check the result.

  1. Go to the official website of the Larkana board

  2. Click on Results.

  3. Select Intermediate.

  4. Enter your Roll number.

  5. Search results. 

Check the Result by Name: 

Candidates can verify their Larkana Board result by name also. Here is the procedure for you to get instructions.

  1. Visit the official website of Larkana board


  3. Click on “Results”

  4. Select Intermediate option

  5. Type your name there in the given box.

  6. Search result. 

How to Check Larkana Board Result by SMS

The simplest method to examine the result is by SMS. There are a number of candidates who do not have internet access at their locations on the result day. Those students can benefit greatly from this method. You must adhere to the steps outlined below in order to verify the Inter result through SMS:

  1. Go to the message box on your mobile. 

  2. Type the roll number there.

  3. Send to the Larkana Board’s SMS code 800291.

  4. The result will be sent to you after 15 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to check the result of Inter part 2 by roll number?

To check the result, go to the official website. Enter the roll number there. Provide the essential details and check the result.

Do all websites allow us to search for results by name?

No, there are very few websites that let you search for results by name.

What was the percentage of candidates that passed the Inter annual exam last year?

In the Inter annual result for 2022, the percentage of passed students was 77.40%.

What is the SMS code of the Larkana Board for verifying the result?

The SMS code of the Larkana Board for verifying the result is 800291.

What is the result status of matric by the Larkana Board?

The result of matriculation by the Larkana Board is not announced yet.


29-Aug-2024 06:00 PM

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Result is announced by BISE Lahore but we can alert you whenever a new result is announced


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