Lahore, GC University Lahore has opened admissions to FA/FSc/ICom for academic session 2012-14 for O Level/Equivalent students. Prospectus and Admission Forms can be taken from GCU from Aug 13 till Aug 23.
Prospectus and Admission Forms along with admission schedule for admission to FA/FSc/ICom 1st Year 2012 on O'Level/Equivalent basis can be obtained from the United Bank Limited, GC University Lahore Branch from Aug 13 to Aug 23 by paying Rs.200 during the bank hours.
The candidates shall have to submit separate Admission Forms if they are applying for more than one group/category. Candidates can also download Admission Forms from our website GC University Lahore Admission Forms duly filled-in along with bank draft of Rs. 250/- in favour of Treasurer, GC University Lahore should reach the Registrar. GC University Lahore through courier service by the due date.
Only those candidates who have passed O'Level/ Equivalent at least 08 subjects along with 05 compulsory subjects (English, Pak. Studies, Islamic Studies, Mathematics & Urdu) are eligible to apply. Candidates must submit Equivalence Certificate along with admission forms. Maximum age limit is 18 years.
The Government College, Lahore was raised to the status of a University in 2002. It was renamed as the GC University Lahore. The academic life here has been re-shaped in accordance with its new challenges and we hope to fulfill the expectations that go with a University. The GCU is committed to act as a promoter of quality education for all.
This Institution is one of the oldest seats of learning in the Muslim world. As a seat of higher learning GC University blends grand old traditions and modern educational standards to meet the ideals set by persons like Dr. Leitner, philosopher the poet, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal and the Noble Laureate, Dr. Abdus Salam.
The University offers B.A/B.Sc. (4-year Hon.), M.A, M.Sc. (in some selected disciplines), M.B.A., M.Phil, and PhD programs in all major disciplines. We also take steps to sensitize our students about the meaning of the University Motto: "Courage to Know."