There an important update for the Cambridge students that we would like discuss here! Cambridge International Education (CIE) is a provider of international Cambridge qualifications to the interested candidates, offering exams and qualifications to over 10,000 schools in more than 160 countries. It is a non-profit and non-teaching department of the University of Cambridge. Recently the Cambridge International Education (CIE) has made an announcement of cancelling an AS Level exam paper, which was leaked online way before the exam. It was almost 3 months ago, when CIE started receiving allegations and information of a potential paper leak for the AS Level Mathematics subject exam on 2nd May. CIE then decided that they would investigate the matter by starting a comprehensive inquiry.

Details of the AS Mathematics Exam Leak

After almost three months long inquiry the Cambridge International Education released their official statement “It was confirmed by multiple sources on social media that the Cambridge AS Level Mathematics paper was leaked even before the students begin to appear for the exam that’s why we are cancelling the exam.” Many students who had studied hard for the exam were upset because of this cheating.

Assessed Marks and Retake Options

A letter from CIE was shared with schools that say that for the AS Level Mathematics paper, the CIE will give “assessed marks” in order to ensure students are treated equally and fairly. Which means students will get marks based on their performance in other mathematics exams and if they are not satisfied with this decision, they can avail the option of retaking the Cambridge AS Level Mathematics exam in November 2024.


Ensuring Fairness and Integrity

Cambridge also stated that “Our priority is to make sure we are fair to the majority of students who did not cheat.” It further stated that they want to prevent any advantage gained through cheating, ensuring that all students are evaluated equally for the university admissions. This incident highlights the importance of maintaining the fairness and credibility of the examination process, ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed based on their merits.

Commitment to Security and Fairness

“We continue to improve security of exams in Pakistan and worldwide so we can make sure all students are treated equally. We are very grateful for your patience to this point, and for your support as we help students to understand the measures we are taking,” Cambridge letter also stated.

“This sort of incident is an extremely rare occurrence. We have refined the security measures, and time-zone variant papers to prevent leaking from one part of the world to another”, statement also released by the Cambridge International Education.



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Ilmkidunya is one of the biggest educational websites working for the past 18 years to keep the people updated regarding the latest educational news about admission, universities, results, date sheets, and scholarships.

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    31 Jul 2024

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