The applications are invited from the candidates on the prescribed form including attested Photocopies of all relevant documents and Demand Draft / Pay Order of Rs.4000/-(non- refundable) as processing fee in favor of the Director Finance, Government College University Hyderabad and should reach undersigned on or before 06-12-2021for the under mentioned posts. The prescribed application form(s) can be downloaded from the website can be obtained from Office of the HR, Government College University Hyderabad.

Sr. No. Name of the Post Qualification & Experience
01. Assistant Registrar (BPS-17) Postgraduate in Second Class, Preferably in First Class, or equivalent qualifications and 4 years Administrative experience at University Level


  • Candidates having Sindh Province domicile.
  • Candidates serving in Government/Semi-Government and autonomous bodies  should apply through proper channel accompanied by NOC from the employer and will be responsible for getting themselves relieved properly from their departments
  • Maximum age limit is 40 years, relaxable in case of highly qualified suitable candidates and Government, Semi Government and Autonomous bodies employees in exceptional cases.
  • Incomplete applications i.e. without educational, professional and experience certificates, processing fee etc or applications received after the specified date or those not eligible shall not be entertained.
  • The University reserves the right of cancellation of advertised post.
  • Only short-listed candidates shall be called for test/interview and Non-eligible candidates will not be informed.
  • No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing at the interview/written test.

Director HR
Government College University Hyderabad