The applications are invited from the candidates on the prescribed form including attested Photocopies of all relevant documents and Demand Draft / Pay Order of Rs.4000/-(non- refundable) as processing fee in favor of the Director Finance, Government College University Hyderabad and should reach undersigned on or before 06-12-2021for the under mentioned posts. The prescribed application form(s) can be downloaded from the website can be obtained from Office of the HR, Government College University Hyderabad.
Sr. No. |
Name of the Post |
Qualification & Experience |
01. |
Assistant Registrar (BPS-17) |
Postgraduate in Second Class, Preferably in First Class, or equivalent qualifications and 4 years Administrative experience at University Level |
- Candidates having Sindh Province domicile.
- Candidates serving in Government/Semi-Government and autonomous bodies should apply through proper channel accompanied by NOC from the employer and will be responsible for getting themselves relieved properly from their departments
- Maximum age limit is 40 years, relaxable in case of highly qualified suitable candidates and Government, Semi Government and Autonomous bodies employees in exceptional cases.
- Incomplete applications i.e. without educational, professional and experience certificates, processing fee etc or applications received after the specified date or those not eligible shall not be entertained.
- The University reserves the right of cancellation of advertised post.
- Only short-listed candidates shall be called for test/interview and Non-eligible candidates will not be informed.
- No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing at the interview/written test.
Director HR
Government College University Hyderabad