BS software engineering subjects are usually similar in all the engineering universities. The common BS software engineering subjects in Pakistan include object-oriented programming, data structures and algorithms, software project management, and design and analysis of Algorithm.
Courses Offering By Universities For BS Software Engineering(SE)
- BSSE Courses Details COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI)
- Courses Details For BS Software Engineering Of National University Of Science & Technology(NUST)
- Courses Details For BS Software Engineering (SE) Of National University Of Computer And Emerging Sciences (NUCES FAST)
- BS Software Engineering Sir Syed University Of Engineering and Technology(SSUET) Courses Details
- University Of Engineering & Technology Peshawar (UETP) Courses Details For BS Software Engineering
- University Of Central Punjab (UCP) Courses Details For BS Software Engineering
- Bahria University Islamabad (BUI) Courses Details For BS Software Engineering
COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) BS Software Engineering Courses Details
COMSATS University is offering a BS in software engineering degree. This degree is designed to build the careers of students in software engineering. The university has a computer science department which is consists of several labs. BS software engineering is 4 years degree program with 8 semesters. The maximum duration to complete this degree is 12 semesters. The university has the best highly qualified faculty staff for students. Software engineering covers a wide range of practical and theoretical areas. The degree helps to learn the basic principles of engineering, computer science, and analysis to the creation, evaluation, design, and testing of digital systems and software. BS software engineering subject lists are mentioned semester wise:
Semester 1
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
HUM 110 | Islamic Studies | 3(3,0) |
HUM 100 | English Comprehension and Composition | 3(3,0) |
EEE 119 | Circuits and Electronics | 4(3,1) |
CSD 100 | Fundamentals of Computer Programming | 4(3,1) |
CSD 102 | Intro to ICT | 4(3,10 |
Semester 2
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
EEE 241 | Digital Logic Design | 4(3,1) |
CSD 200 | Object-Oriented Programming | 4(3,1) |
MTH 104 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry | 3(3,0) |
HUM 103 | Communication Skills | 3(3,0) |
HUM 111 | Pakistan Studies | 3(3,0) |
CSD 101 | Discrete Structures | 3(3,0) |
Semester 3
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CSD 203 | Computer organization and assembly language | 4(3,1) |
HUM 102 | Communication Skills | 3(3,0) |
CSD 202 | Data Structures and Algorithms | 4(3,1) |
CSD 201 | Introduction to software engineering | 3(3,0) |
Elective I (supporting science) | 4(3,0) |
Semester 4
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MTH 231 | Linear Algebra | 3(3,0) |
CSD 302 | Database Systems | 4(3,1) |
SED 200 | Software Contraction | 3(2,1) |
Elective II (supporting science) | 3(3,0) | |
MTH 262 | Statistics and Probability Theory | 3(3,0) |
MTH 101 | Introduction to Management | 3(3,0) |
Semester 5
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CSD 300 | Operating Systems Concepts | 3(3,0) |
SED 300 | Software requirement engineering | 3(3,0) |
SED | Software engineering Elective I | 3(3,0) |
CSD 301 | Computer Communications and Networks | 4(3,1) |
HUM 320 | GE elective I | 3(3,0) |
Semester 6
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SED 303 | Formal Methods in software engineering | 3(3,0) |
SED | Software engineering elective I | 3(3,0) |
CSD 303 | Professional Practices for IT | 3(3,0) |
SED 301 | Software quality engineering | 3(3,0) |
SED 302 | Software design and architecture | 3(3,0) |
GE elective II | 3(3,0) |
Semester 7
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SED 499 | Pro ect. | 2(2,0) |
SED | SED domain elective II | 3(3,0) |
CSD 400 | Human-computer interaction | 4(3,1) |
SED | SE elective II | 3(3,0) |
SED 304 | Design Patterns | 3(2,1) |
SED 320 | Software project management | 3(3,0) |
Semester 8
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SED 302 | Software Testing | 3(2,1) |
SED 499 | Project | 4(0,4) |
SED | SE Elective III | 3(3,0) |
Software Engineering Electives
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CSD 201 | Intro to Software Engineering | 3(3,0) |
SED 301 | Software Quality Engineering | 3(3,0) |
SED 200 | Software Construction | 3(2,1) |
SED 300 | Engineering | 3(3,0) |
SED 304 | Design Patterns | 3(2,1) |
SED 303 | Formal Methods in Software Engineering | 3(3,0) |
SED 305 | Software Testing | 3(2,1) |
SED 302 | Software Design and Architecture | 3(3,0) |
SED 320 | Software Project Management | 3(3,0) |
Computer Science Electives
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CSD 101 | Discrete Structures | 3(3,0) |
CSD 100 | Fundamentals of Computer programming | 4(3,1) |
CSD 200 | Object-Oriented Programming | 4(3,1) |
CSD 102 | Introduction to ICT | 4(3,1) |
CSD 203 | Computer Organizations and Assembly language | 4(3,1) |
CSD 300 | Concepts | 3(3,0) |
CSD 303 | Professional Practices IT | 3(3,0) |
CSD 400 | Human-Computer Interaction | 4(3,1) |
Courses Of National University Of Sciences & Technology (NUST) For BS Software Engineering
NUST offers 4 years degree program in BS Software Engineering. The university has a department of computing in which it offers BS software engineering and BS computer science degrees. The department has art labs and seminar rooms. This department provides exposure to the relevant software and hardware techniques. The courses of BS Software Engineering of NUST ensure the importance of emerging technologies that remain ahead of the innovative curve. This department has a wide range of active collaborations with national and international institutes. This department also offers internship opportunities to their students to learn in the real working environment. BS software engineering courses details in Pakistan’s most recognized university is given below:
Semester 1
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MATH 101 | Calculus and Analytical Geometry | 3(3,0) |
HU 107 | Pakistan Studies | 2(2,0) |
HU 100 | English | 2(2,0) |
PHY 102 | Applied Physics | 3(2,1) |
CS 114 | Fundamentals of Programming | 2(2,0) |
ME 105 | Workshop Practice | 1(0,1) |
MATH 161 | Discrete Mathematics | 3(3,0) |
Semester 2
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
HU 101 | Islamic Studies | 2(2,0) |
MATH 121 | Linear Algebra and ODEs | 3(3,0) |
HU 109 | Communication Skills | 2(2,0) |
EE 221 | Digital Logic Design | 4(3,1) |
CS 212 | Object-Oriented Programming OOP | 4(3,1) |
ME 109 | Engineering Drawing | 2(0,2) |
Semester 3
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MATH 361 | Probability and Statistics | 3(3,0) |
CS 220 | Database Systems | 4(3,1) |
SE 200 | Software Engineering | 3(3,0) |
CS 250 | Data Structures and Algorithms | 4(3,1) |
XXX | General Education Elective I | 3(3,0) |
XXX | Supporting Science Elective I |
Semester 4
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SE 311 | Software Requirements Engineering | 3(4,1) |
EE 353 | Computer Networks | 4(3,1) |
XXX | Software engineering Elective I | 3(3,0) |
EE 321 | Computer Architecture and Organization | 4(3,1) |
XXX | Supporting Science Elective II | X (3,X) |
Semester 5
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SE 210 | Software Design and Architecture | 3(3,0) |
HU 223 | Professional Ethics | 3(3,0) |
CS 330 | Operating Systems | 3(3,0) |
HU 210 | Technical Writing | 3(3,0) |
XXX | Software Engineering Elective II | 4(3,1) |
Semester 6
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SE 312 | Software Construction | 3(3,0) |
MGT 271 | Entrepreneurship | 2(2,0) |
XXX | Software Engineering Elective III | 4(3,1) |
SE 320 | Formal Methods | 3(3,0) |
XXX | Supporting Science Elective III | |
SE 321 | Software Quality Engineering | 3(3,0) |
Semester 7
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SE 499 | Senior Project | 3(0,3) |
SE 430 | Software Project Management | 3(3,0) |
XXX | General Education Elective III | 3(3,0) |
XXX | Software Engineering Elective IV | X (3,X) |
XXX | Software Engineering Elective V | 4(3,1) |
Semester 8
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CSL 401 | Community Service Learning Course | 2(0,2) |
MSE 499 | Senior Design Project II | 3(0,3) |
XXX | Software Engineering Elective VI | X (3, X) |
XXX | General Education Elective IV | 3(3,0) |
Elective Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BIO 317 | Computational Biology | 3(3,0) |
CS 251 | Design and Analysis of Algorithm | 3(3,0) |
BIO 215 | Bioinformatics | 3(3,0) |
CS 213 | Advanced Programming | 3(3,0) |
CH 101 | Applied Chemistry | 3(3,1) |
CS 271 | Computational Logic | 3(3,0) |
CS 309 | Computing and Society | 3(3,0) |
CS 260 | Human-Computer Interaction | 3(3,0) |
CS 322 | RDBMS Using Oracle | 2(2,0) |
CS 321 | Advanced Database Systems | 3(3,0) |
CS 331 | System Programming | 2(2,0) |
CS 332 | Distributed Computing | 3(3,0) |
CS 340 | Web Technologies I | 2(2,0) |
CS 334 | Open Source Systems | 3(3,0) |
CS 342 | Mobile Computing | 3(3,0) |
CS 361 | Computer Graphics | 3(3,0) |
CS 352 | Theory of Automata and Formal Languages | 3(3,0) |
CS 344 | Web Engineering | 3(3,0) |
CS 362 | Multimedia Systems and Design | 2(2,0) |
CS 370 | Artificial Intelligence | 3(3,0) |
CS 363 | Visualization | 2(2,0) |
CS 364 | Game Programming | 2(2,0) |
CS 370 | Artificial Intelligence | 3(3,0) |
CS 381 | Network Security | 3(3,0) |
CS 380 | Introduction to computer security | 3(3,0) |
CS 414 | Advanced Java with emphasis on internet applications | 3(3,0) |
CS 382 | Fundamentals of Cryptography | 3(3,0) |
CS 423 | Data warehousing and data mining | 3(3,0) |
CS 433 | Applied Parallel Computing | 2(2,0) |
CS 425 | Management information systems | 3(3,0) |
CS 424 | Information retrieval | 3(3,0) |
CS 443 | E-Commerce and Solutions | 3(3,0) |
CS 441 | Web Technologies II | 3(3,0) |
CS 453 | Programming Languages | 3(3,0) |
CS 471 | Machine Learning | 3(3,0) |
CS 472 | Natural Language Processing | 3(3,0) |
CS 473 | Theory of intelligent systems | 3(3,0) |
CS 481 | Computer Forensics | 3(3,0) |
CS 476 | Speed and Image processing | 3(3,0) |
CS 482 | System Incident Handling | 3(3,0) |
CS 490 | Advanced topics in computing | 3(3,0) |
ECO 130 | Engineering Economics | 2(2,0) |
EC 303 | Mobile application development for SME/’s | 3(2,1) |
EE 215 | Electronic devices and circuits | 4(3,1) |
EE 201 | Engineering mechanics | 3(3,1) |
EE 102 | Basic electrical engineering | 4(3,1) |
EE 322 | Wireless Networks | 3(3,0) |
EE 232 | Signals and Systems | 4(3,1) |
EE 330 | Digital Signal Processing | 3(3,0) |
EE 350 | Data communication | 3(3,0) |
EE 430 | Telecommunication Systems | 3(3,0) |
EE 414 | Digital Electronics | 4(3,1) |
EE 433 | Digital Image processing | 3(3,0) |
FIN 100 | Principles of accounting | 3(3,0) |
EE 477 | Analog and Digital Communications | 4(3,1) |
FIN 204 | Financial Management for IT professional | 2(2,0) |
FIN 100 | Principles of accounting | 3(3,0) |
HRM 240 | Organizational Behavior | 2(2,0) |
HRM 441 | Human Resource Management | 2(2,0) |
HRM 241 | Organizational Behavior | 3(3,0) |
HRM 442 | Human Resource Management | 3(3,0) |
HU 104 | English Literature | 3(3,0) |
HU 102 | Psychology | 3(3,0) |
HU 103 | Principles of sociology | 3(3,0) |
HU 223 | Professional Ethics | 3(3,0) |
MATH 221 | Number Theory | 3(3,0) |
MATH 133 | Engineering Mathematics | 3(3,0) |
MATH 112 | Calculus II | 3(3,0) |
MATH 232 | Complex Variables and Transforms | 3(3,0) |
MATH 234 | Multivariable Calculus | 3(3,0) |
MATH 351 | Numerical Methods | 3(3,0) |
MGT 175 | Intellectual to Management | 3(3,0) |
MGT 164 | Introduction to Management | 2(2,0) |
OTM 455 | Engineering project management | 2(2,0) |
MKT 102 | Principles of Business and Marketing | 2(2,0) |
PHY 101 | Applied Physics | 4(3,1) |
SE 313 | Design Patterns | 2(2,0) |
SE 422 | Software Testing | 3(3,0) |
SE 301 | Object-Oriented Software Engineering | 3(3,0) |
SE 423 | Software Metric | 3(3,0) |
SE 431 | Software Engineering Economics | 3(3,0) |
SE 440 | Business Process Automation | 3(3,0) |
SE 410 | System modeling and simulation | 4(3,1) |
CEM 300 | Procurement management | 3(3,0) |
SE 490 | Advanced topics in software engineering | 3(3,0) |
FAST National University Of Computer & Emerging Sciences (NUCES) BS Software Engineering Details Of Courses
This university offers a BS Software Engineering program. The university provides the best practices of computer and software knowledge. The computer science department has highly qualified and experienced faculty members. The department has computer labs for the students of BS software engineering. Big data lab, high-performance computing lab, liberty lab, and software engineering research center are established to promote the theoretical research of software engineering students. The university provides the best education to students to be able to evaluate and design solutions to complex problems by using the fundamental principles of computing sciences and other domain disciplines. Courses and syllabus details for the BS Software Engineering semester wise is given below:
Semester 1
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CS 118 | Programming Fundamentals | 4(3,1) |
CL 117 | Introduction to information and Communication technologies | 1(1,0) |
NS 101 | Applied Physics | 3(3,0) |
SS 113 | Pakistan Studies | 3(3,0) |
SS 150 | English Composition and Comprehension | 3(2,1) |
MT 119 | Calculus and Analytical Geometry | 3(3,0) |
Semester 2
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CS 217 | Object-Oriented Programming | 4(3,1) |
CS 211 | Discrete Structures | 3(3,0) |
SS 152 | Communication and Presentation Skills | 3(2,1) |
SE 110 | Introduction to Software Engineering | 3(3,0) |
SS 111 | Islamic and Religious Studies | 3(3,0) |
Semester 3
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MT 104 | Linear algebra | 3(3,0) |
CS 218 | Data Structures and Algorithm | 4(3,1) |
MS/SS | Social Science Elective I | 3(3,0) |
CS 422 | Human-Computer Interaction | 3(3,0) |
SE 210 | Software requirement engineering | 3(3,0) |
Semester 4
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CS 220 | Operating Systems | 4(3,1) |
CS 219 | Database Systems | 4(3,1) |
SE | SE supporting I | 3(3,0) |
MS/SS | Social Science Elective II | 3(3,0) |
SE 220 | Software Design and Architecture | 3(2,1) |
Semester 5
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MT 206 | Probability and Statistics | 3(3,0) |
CS 307 | Computer Networks | 4(3,1) |
SS 142 | Technical Report Writing | 3(3,0) |
SE 310 | Software Construction and Development | 3(2,1) |
SE | SE Supporting II | 3(3,0) |
Semester 6
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MS/SS | Social Science Elective III | 3(3,0) |
SE | SE supporting III | 3(3,0) |
CS 463 | Professional Practices | 3(3,0) |
SE 321 | Software quality engineering | 3(3,0) |
SE | SE Elective I | 3(3,0) |
SE 322 | Web Engineering | 3(3,0) |
Semester 7
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SE 491 | Final year Project I | 3(0,3) |
SE | SE Elective II | 3(3,0) |
CS 462 | Information Security | 3(3,0) |
SE | SE Elective III | 3(3,0) |
SE 517 | Software Project Management | 3(3,0) |
Semester 8
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MS/SS | Social Science Elective IV | 3(3,0) |
SE | SE Elective IV | 3(3,0) |
SE 492 | Final Year Project II | 3(3,0) |
SE | SE Elective V | 3(3,0) |
SE 410 | Software re-engineering | 3(3,0) |
Sir Syed University Of Engineering & Technology (SSUET) BS Software Engineering Subjects Details
This University is offering a BS software engineering degree program. This university has a software engineering department that has a friendly environment. The university has a goal to lead the innovation provider in the software engineering department and focus on the positive economic effect, sense of social responsibilities, and entrepreneurial mindset. This department has a growing reputation for affordable fees and teaching engineering education. This department involves technical aspects to build the software systems and also collaborate between the programming teams with the organizational strategies. The syllabus for BS software Engineering in this university is given below:
Semester 1
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
HS 102 | Functional English | 3(3,0) |
MS 120 | Introduction to Calculus | 3(3,0) |
SWE 102 | Programming Fundamentals | 4(3,1) |
SWE 105 | Introduction to computing | 3(2,1) |
HS 101 | Islamic Studies | 2(2,0) |
MS 108 | Linear Algebra | 3(3,0) |
Semester 2
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SWE 106 | Introduction to Software Engineering | 2(2,0) |
MS 121/ MS 120 | Introduction to algebra and geometry/ introduction to calculus | 3(3,0) |
MS 103 | Calculus and Analytical geometry | 3(3,0) |
MS 111 | Applied Physics | 4(3,1) |
HS 103 | Pakistan Studies and Aligarh Movement | 3(3,0) |
SWE 103 | Object-Oriented Programming | 4(3,1) |
Semester 3
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SWE 203 | Data Structures and Algorithm | 4(3,1) |
HS 201 | Communication skills | 3(3,0) |
SWE 205 | Software requirement engineering | 3(3,0) |
SWE XXX | SE elective I | 4(3,1) |
MS 204 | Discrete Mathematics | 3(3,0) |
Semester 4
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
HS 211 | Technical Writing | 2(2,0) |
SWE 204 | Operating Systems | 4(3,1) |
MS 301 | Probability and Statistics | 3(3,0) |
SWE 209 | Introduction to database systems | 4(3,1) |
SWE 211 | Software design and architecture | 4(3,1) |
Semester 5
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
HS XXX | University Elective I | 3(3,0) |
SWE XXX | SE Elective II | 4(3,1) |
SWE 308 | Human-Computer Interaction | 3(3,0) |
SWE 306 | Computer communication and networks | 4(3,1) |
SWE 312 | Software construction and development | 3(2,1) |
Semester 6
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SWE 312 | Information security | 3(3,0) |
SWE 305 | Software quality engineering | 3(3,0) |
HS XXX | University elective II | 3(3,0) |
SWE XXX | SE elective III | 3(3,0) |
SWE XXX | SE supporting I | 3(3,0) |
SWE 315 | Web engineering | 3(2,1) |
Semester 7
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SWE 401 | Software project management | 3(3,0) |
SWE 499 | Final Year Project I | 3(3,0) |
SWE XXX | SE Supporting II | 3(3,0) |
SWE 417 | Software reengineering | 3(3,0) |
HS XXX | University Elective III | 3(3,0) |
SWE XXX | SE electives IV | 3(3,0) |
Semester 8
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
HS XXX | University electives IV | 3(3,0) |
HS 412 | Computing professional practices | 3(3,0) |
SWE 499 | Final Year Project II | 3(0,3) |
SWE XXX | SE Supporting III | 3(3,0) |
SWE XXX | SE Elective V | 3(3,0) |
SE Electives
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SWE 314 | Artificial Intelligence | 4(3,1) |
SWE 304 | Enterprise systems engineering | 3(3,0) |
SWE 318 | E-commerce | 3(3,0) |
SWE 404 | Design Patterns | 3(3,0) |
SWE 402 | Data warehousing and data mining | 3(3,0) |
SWE 420 | Software Metrics | 3(3,0) |
SWE 419 | Big data analytics | 3(3,0) |
SWE 408 | Computer graphics | 3(2,1) |
University Electives
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
HS 213 | Introduction to accounting and finance | 3(3,0) |
HS 107 | Psychology | 3(3,0) |
HS 212 | Organizational Behavior | 3(3,0) |
HS 301 | Engineering Economics | 3(3,0) |
HS 307 | Foreign language | 3(3,0) |
HS 305 | Principles of Management and entrepreneurship | 3(3,0) |
SE Supporting Electives
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SWE 302 | Formal Methods in software engineering | 3(3,0) |
SWE 321 | Business process engineering | 3(3,0) |
SWE 317 | Operations research | 3(3,0) |
SWE 310 | Compiler Construction | 3(3,0) |
SWE 422 | Simulation and modeling | 3(2,1) |
SWE 412 | Analysis of algorithms | 3(2,1) |
University Of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar (UETP) BS Software Engineering Courses Roadmap
UET is the best university for a BS Software engineering degree. The university offers 4 years of Bachelor’s programs in Software engineering in its Taxila branch. The university has software engineering labs with consist of more than 200 computers. The university provides the best skills and knowledge of software engineering. The university trains students to become successful in this field with ethical professional skills. The department of software engineering in Taxila is in 2nd position on the top merit list. The semester wise details of the syllabus and subjects for BS Software Engineering is given below:
Semester 1
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
HU 105 | English composition and comprehension | 3(3,0) |
HU 106 | Pakistan Studies | 2(2,0) |
MA 103 | Applied Physics | 3(3,0) |
SE 101 | Introduction to information and communication technologies | 3(2,1) |
MA 104 | Calculus and Analytical geometry | 3(3,0) |
SE 102 | Discrete Structures | 3(3,0) |
Semester 2
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SE 112 | Engineering Economics | 2(2,0) |
MA 110 | Linear Algebra and Differential Equations | 3(3,0) |
SE 107 | Introduction to software engineering | 3(3,0) |
SE 109 | Programming Fundamentals | 4(3,1) |
HU 111 | Communication and presentation skills | 3(3,0) |
HU 108 | Islamic Studies/Ethics | 2(2,0) |
Semester 3
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
HU 205 | Technical and Business writing | 3(3,0) |
SE 202 | Object-oriented programming | 4(3,1) |
SE 201 | Software requirements engineering | 3(2,1) |
MG 204 | Management and marketing | 3(3,0) |
SE 203 | Human-computer interaction | 3(3,0) |
Semester 4
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SE 207 | Formal Methods in software engineering | 3(3,0) |
MA 210 | Probability and Statistics | 3(3,0) |
SE 206 | Data Structures and Algorithm | 4(3,1) |
MA 209 | Software design and architecture | 3(2,1) |
MG 211 | Organizational behavior | 2(2,0) |
MA 208 | Numerical and symbolic computing | 2(2,0) |
SE 209 | Software design and architecture | 3(2,1) |
Semester 5
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SE 302 | Operating Systems | 4(3,1) |
SE 305 | Analysis of Algorithms | 3(3,0) |
SE 303 | Database Systems | 4(3,1) |
SE 301 | Software quality engineering | 3(3,0) |
SE 304 | Computer Networks | 4(3,1) |
Semester 6
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SE XXX | SE Elective I | 3(3,0) |
SE 308 | Information Security | 3(3,0) |
SE 306 | Digital image processing | 4(3,1) |
SE 309 | Software construction and development | 3(2,1) |
SE 307 | Web engineering | 4(3,1) |
Semester 7
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SE XXX | SE Elective II | 3(3,0) |
SE 402 | Software Project Management | 3(3,0) |
SE 401 | Software reengineering | 3(3,0) |
MG 404 | Human Resources Management | 3(3,0) |
SE XXX | SE Elective III | 3(2,1) |
SE 403 | Final year Project I | 3(0,3) |
Semester 8
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MG 407 | Entrepreneurship and Leadership | 2(2,0) |
SE 405 | Professional Ethics | 3(3,0) |
SE 406 | Final Year Project II | 3(0,3) |
SE 409 | SE Elective IV | 2(2,0) |
SE 408 | SE Elective V | 3(3,0) |
Electives of Software Engineering
Course Code | Course Title |
X 11 | Software testing |
X 13 | Machine Learning |
X 10 | Distributed Computing |
X 12 | Real-Time Systems |
X 15 | Wireless Networks |
X 14 | Computer Vision |
X 17 | Enterprise System Engineering |
X 18 | Data Security and encryption |
X 16 | Advanced database management system |
X 19 | Design Patterns |
X 23 | Advance software technologies |
X 20 | Artificial Neural Networks |
X 21 | Software Metrics |
X 24 | Information systems and data processing |
X 22 | Business process automation |
X 27 | Financial and e-commerce systems |
X 26 | Fault-tolerant and survivable systems |
X 25 | Automata theory and formal languages |
X 30 | Semantic Web |
X 28 | Multimedia, game, and entertainment systems |
X 29 | Embedded and real-time systems |
X 33 | Analysis of algorithms |
X 31 | Visual Programming |
X 37 | Introduction to bio-informatics |
X 32 | Multimedia Systems |
X 34 | Compiler construction |
X 38 | Agent-based software engineering |
X 35 | Advanced operating systems |
X 39 | Big data analysis |
X 36 | Data warehousing and data mining |
X 40 | Cloud computing |
X 44 | Game application development |
X 41 | Computer graphics |
X 43 | E-commerce |
X 42 | Data encryption and security |
X 45 | Global software development |
X 48 | Mobile application development |
X50 | Natural language processing |
X 47 | Management information systems |
X 46 | Information systems audit |
X 49 | Multimedia Communication |
X 52 | Advanced topics in software engineering |
X 51 | Systems programming |
The University Of Central Punjab (UCP) BS Software Engineering Semesters Details Of Courses
UCP offers a BS software engineering program to build the foundation of students in theoretical concepts in software engineering. This program enables the software engineering tools and methodologies for designing, testing, and gathering the systems of different software. The university provides balanced exposure in this degree program. The program builds ethical and professional responsibilities in graduates. The completion of a BS software engineering degree required a minimum of 132 credit hours. BS software engineering courses are given below:
Semester 1
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SECP 1833 | English Composition and Comprehension | 3(3,0) |
SECP 1013/ 1011 | Introduction to computing | 4(3,1) |
SESS 1713 | Calculus and analytical geometry | 3(3,0) |
SEHU 1813 | Pakistan Studies | 2(2,0) |
SESS 1723 | Basic Electronics | 3(3,0) |
Semester 2
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SEHU 1863 | Communication and Presentation Skills | 3(3,0) |
SECP 1023 | Programming fundamentals | 4(3,1) |
SESE 113 | Software engineering | 3(3,0) |
XXX | University Elective I | 3(3,0) |
SEHU 1823 | Islamic Studies | 2(2,0) |
SEAD 1413 | Discrete structures | 3(3,0) |
Semester 3
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SESD 2213 | Software requirement engineering | 3(3,0) |
SECP 2033/2031 | Object-oriented programming | 4(3,1) |
SESE 2123 | Human-computer interaction | 3(3,0) |
XXX | University elective II | 3(3,0) |
SESS 2743 | Linear algebra | 3(3,0) |
Semester 4
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SESD 2222 | Software design and architecture | 3(2,1) |
SESS 2733 | Probability and statistics | 3(3,0) |
SECP 2043/2041 | Data structures and algorithms | 4(3,1) |
SEHY 2873 | Technical and business writing | 3(3,0) |
XXX | SE supporting I | 3(3,0) |
Semester 5
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SENS 3513/ 3511 | Operating Systems | 4(3,1) |
XXX | University Electives III | 3(3,0) |
SESD 3233 | Web engineering | 3(3,0) |
XXX | SE supporting II | 3(3,0) |
SEAD 3423/ 3421 | Database Systems | 4(3,1) |
Semester 6
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Professional practice | 3(3,0) | |
SESM 3312 | Software quality engineering | 3(3,0) |
SENS 3521/ 3523 | Computer networks | 4(3,1) |
SESD 3242/ 3241 | Software construction and development | 3(2,1) |
XXX | SE Elective I | 3(3,0) |
XXX | SE supporting III |
Semester 7
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SESM 4323 | Software project management | 3(3,0) |
SENS 4533 | Information security | 3(3,0) |
XXX | SE Elective II | 3(3,0) |
SESE 4143 | Software reengineering | 3(3,0) |
XXX | SE Elective III | 3(3,0) |
SESD 4923 | Final Year Project I | 3(0,3) |
Semester 8
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
XXX | SE Elective IV | 3(3,0) |
XXX | SE Elective V | 3(3,0) |
XXX | Final Year Project II | 3(0,3) |
XXX | University Elective IV | 3(3,0) |
BS Software Engineering Electives
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SEGE 1913 | Introduction to Business | 3(3,0) |
SEGE 3963 | Fundamental of Marketing | 3(3,0) |
SEST 2613 | Business Process Engineering | 3(3,0) |
SESE 3133 | Formal Methods in Software Engineering | 3(3,0) |
SEGE 2933 | Technology Entrepreneurship | 3(3,0) |
SECP 3053 | Mobile Application Development | 3(3,0) |
SESS 3763 | Operations Research | 3(3,0) |
SEAD 3453 | Introduction to machine learning | 3(3,0) |
SECP 4063 | Advance web programing | 3(3,0) |
Subjects Details For Each Semester Bahria University Islamabad (BUI) BS Software Engineering
This university offers an undergraduate program in Software Engineering. The department of software engineering prepares the students to contribute towards society and nation by problem-solving skills, leadership qualities, and application of engineering knowledge. The university offers 4 years degree with 8 semesters of BS in software engineering. The courses offered at Bahria University include major or electives for software engineering students. This department aims to be recognized as the leader in software engineering research and education in targeted and education research in the emerging categories of software engineering. The department has well-experienced and educated faculty members to provide the best education and experience to students. Course and syllabus details for BS Software Engineering in Bahria University include:
Semester 1
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CS 110 | Computing Fundamentals | 3(2,1) |
CS 113 | Computer Programming | 4(3,1) |
GSC 110 | Applied Calculus and Analytical geometry | 3(3,1) |
GS 113 | Applied Physics | 4(3,1) |
ISL 101 | Islamic Studies | 2(2,0) |
ENG 103 | English I | 2(2,0) |
Semester 2
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
GSC 221 | Discrete Mathematics | 3(3,0) |
CEN 120 | Digital Logic Design | 4(3,1) |
CS 210 | Object-Oriented Programming | 4(3,1) |
HSS 120 | Communication Skills | 3(3,0) |
University/GE Elective I | 3(3,0) | |
PAK 101 | Pakistan Studies | 2(2,0) |
Semester 3
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CS 221 | Data Structures and Algorithm | 4(3,1) |
SEN 210 | Introduction to software engineering | 3(3,0) |
CEN 221 | Computer architecture and organization | 4(3,1) |
GSC 121 | Linear Algebra | 3(3,0) |
University/GE Elective II |
Semester 4
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
CS 220 | Database management systems | 4(3,1) |
HSS 320 | Technical writing and presentation skills | 3(3,0) |
CS 320 | Operating systems | 4(3,1) |
Supporting Elective I | 3(3,0) | |
SE Elective I | 3(3,0) |
Semester 5
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
GS 122 | Probability and Statistics | 3(3,0) |
SEN 458 | Software requirements engineering | 3(3,0) |
SEN 311 | Software construction | 3(2,1) |
CEN 222 | Data communication and networking | 4(3,1) |
Supporting Elective II | 3(3,0) | |
University/GE Elective III | 3(3,0) |
Semester 6
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SEN 320 | Human-Computer Interaction | 3(3,0) |
SEN 420 | Software quality engineering | 3(3,0) |
SEN 457 | Software design and architecture | 3(2,1) |
SE Elective II | 3(3,0) | |
SEN 323 | Formal Methods in software engineering | 3(3,0) |
SE application domain Elective I | 3(3,0) |
Semester 7
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
HSS 422 | Engineering Ethics | 3(3,0) |
SEN 410 | Software Project Management | 3(3,0) |
University/GE Elective IV | 3(3,0) | |
SE application domain elective II | 3(3,0) | |
ESC 498 | Project I | 3(3,0) |
Semester 8
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SE Elective III | 3(3,0) | |
ESC 499 | Project II | 3(3,0) |
SE Elective IV | 3(3,0) | |
SE Elective V | 3(3,0) |
Software Engineering Elective Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
SEN 450 | Design Patterns | 3(3,0) |
SEN 440 | Software engineering economics | 3(3,0) |
SEN 447 | Software Testing | 3(3,0) |
SEN 449 | Business process automation | 3(3,0) |
SEN 453 | Information system audit | 3(3,0) |
CS 315 | Theory of automata | 3(3,0) |
CSC 443 | Introduction to soft computing | 4(3,1) |
CSC 210 | Distributed computing | 4(3,1) |
SEN 451 | TSP and PSP | 3(3,0) |
CEC 321 | Microprocessors and Interfacing | 4(3,1) |
CSC 445 | Principles of Programming Languages | 3(3,0) |
CSC 321 | Design and Analysis of algorithms | 3(3,0) |
SEN 310 | Web Engineering | 3(2,1) |
CSC 468 | Advanced database management systems | 3(2,1) |
SEN 445 | Advanced internet applications | 3(3,0) |
CSC 313 | Visual Programming | 3(2,1) |
Supporting Electives
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
GSC 446 | Physics II (Mechanics) | 3(3,0) |
GSC 320 | Numerical Analysis | 3(3,0) |
GSC 441 | Bio-Chemistry | 3(3,0) |
GSC 442 | Genetics/Biology | 3(3,0) |
EEN 210 | Basic Electronics | 4(3,1) |
EEN 442 | Digital Electronics | 4(3,1) |
SEN 441 | Mathematical tools for Software engineering | 3(3,0) |
CSN 450 | Simulation and modeling | 3(2,1) |
GSC 220 | Complex variables and transforms | 3(3,0) |
CSC 441 | Natural language processing | 3(3,0) |
GSC 445 | Operation research | 3(3,0) |
General Electives
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
HSS 452 | English Literature | 3(3,0) |
HSS 202 | Introduction to sociology | 3(3,0) |
ECO 457 | Economics | 3(3,0) |
PSY 101 | Introduction to psychology | 3(3,0) |
HSS 460 | Marketing | 3(3,0) |
HSS 459 | Foreign Language | 3(3,0) |
MGT 111 | Principles of management | 3(3,0) |
HSS 111 | Introduction to International Relations | 3(3,0) |
HSS 453 | Course Outline Software HRM | 3(3,0) |
HSS 461 | Accounting and Finance | 3(3,0) |
HSS 201 | Introduction to anthropology | 3(3,0) |
HSS 115 | Introduction to media studies | 3(3,0) |
HSS 421 | Entrepreneurship and leadership | 3(3,0) |
HSS 456 | Organizational Behavior | 3(3,0) |
Frequently Asked Questions
How many semester are there in BSSE?
Bachelor of Software Engineering consists of a total of 8 semesters.
How many year program is BSSE?
Bachelor of Software Engineering program consists of a minimum study period of 4 years.
How many credit hours are required to be eligible for BSSE degree?
Students who are studying bachelor of software engineering must obtain at least 130-140 credit hours depending upon the university to be considered eligible for the degree.
Are students of BSSE required to submit final project for degree completion?
Yes, students studying bachelor of software engineering must submit final year project to be eligible for degree completion.
Which is the best university for Bachelor of Software Engineering?
COMSATS University Islamabad is considered Pakistan top university for Software engineering due to its worldwide ranking high-quality education and competent teachers.
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