Govt Colleges/Universities In Kohat

List of Govt Colleges/Universities In Kohat

List of Govt Colleges/Universities In Kohat

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
Kohat University Of Science & Technology, KhyberKohat University Of Science & Technology, KhyberKohat 26000, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan0922-554563-65110Public10 *
Government Post Graduate College KohatGovernment Post Graduate College KohatGovernment Post Graduate College Kohat0922 926006116Public22.25 *
University of FATA, KohatUniversity of FATA, KohatKohat Pakistan +92-91-9216428 13Public30 *
Government Degree College KohatGovernment Degree College KohatCollege Town, Kohat, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa0922-92600615Public44 *
FG Degree College for Women KohatFG Degree College for Women KohatFG Degree College for Women Kohat92600596Public50 *
Fauji Foundation Vocational Training Centre Women Hangu KohatFauji Foundation Vocational Training Centre Women Hangu KohatHangu,kohat092562254521Public60 *
Frontier Education Foundation Degree College KohatFrontier Education Foundation Degree College KohatOld Zanana Hospital Kohat.0922-92602215Public70 *
Fauji Foundation Vocational Training Centre Lachi KohatFauji Foundation Vocational Training Centre Lachi KohatVill. & P.O. Lachi Bala09225594499Public80 *
Fauji Foundation Technical Training Centre Men KohatFauji Foundation Technical Training Centre Men KohatHouse No. 70, Street No. 6, Sector No. 10 Phase I09225141097Public90 *
Fauji Foundation Vocational Training Centre KohatFauji Foundation Vocational Training Centre KohatHouse No. KCB-v-59, Benzadi Chkkar Kot09285176897Public100 *
Government Technical and Vocational Centre Women KohatGovernment Technical and Vocational Centre Women KohatOTS Road033396242565Public110 *
Government Polytechnic Institute KohatGovernment Polytechnic Institute KohatGovernment Polytechnic Institute Kohat092292600634Public120 *
Government College of Technology KohatGovernment College of Technology KohatGovt. College of Technology Rawalpindi Road Kohat 260000922-92600634Public130 *
Government Degree College Ara Khel KohatGovernment Degree College Ara Khel KohatARAKHEL,F.R. KOHATN/A5Public140 *
Kohat College of CommerceKohat College of CommerceKohat College of Commerce Kohat KTM Road09225112635Public150 *

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