Fsc Pre Engineering Colleges Universities In Bannu

List of Fsc Pre Engineering Colleges Universities In Bannu

List of Fsc Pre Engineering Colleges Universities In Bannu

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
Cadet College Razmak, BannuCadet College Razmak, BannuRazmak, North Waziristan Agency, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), PakistanN/A1N/A10 *
Govt Post Graduate College BannuGovt Post Graduate College BannuGovt Post Graduate College Bannu0928-6600111Public20 *
Govt College of Commerce No 2 BannuGovt College of Commerce No 2 BannuBannu09286149491Public34 *
Govt Girls Degree College Mandan BannuGovt Girls Degree College Mandan BannuMandan Bannu09289230681Public40 *
Govt Degree College Ghoriwala BannuGovt Degree College Ghoriwala BannuGhoriwala, Latamber Bannu09283314441Public55 *
FG Degree College for Women Bannu CanttFG Degree College for Women Bannu CanttBANNU CANTT6236871Public60 *
Govt Degree College Mamash Khel BannuGovt Degree College Mamash Khel BannuMamash Khel BannuN/A1Public70 *
Govt Degree College Kakki BannuGovt Degree College Kakki BannuKakki,Latamber Bannu09283305361Public80 *
Govt Girls Degree College Surani BannuGovt Girls Degree College Surani BannuSurrani Bannu09286961341Public90 *
RITE College Boys Ghoriwala BannuRITE College Boys Ghoriwala BannuGhoriwala Bannu0628-3102381Private100 *
Govt Degree College Domel BannuGovt Degree College Domel BannuDomel Bannu0302 57655641Public110 *
RITE College Women Township BannuRITE College Women Township BannuTownship Bannu0928-6333651Private120 *

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