Engineering Colleges/Universities In Khanewal

List of Engineering Colleges/Universities In Khanewal

List of Engineering Colleges/Universities In Khanewal

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
Govt Post Graduate College KhanewalGovt Post Graduate College KhanewalKhanewal065-92003501Public15 *
Punjab Group of Colleges KhanewalPunjab Group of Colleges KhanewalLahore More, Near Habib Bank Khanewal+92 65 25511141Private24 *
Govt Degree College Mian Channu KhanewalGovt Degree College Mian Channu KhanewalMian Channu Khanewal065-26602381Public30 *
Khanewal Public School And CollegeKhanewal Public School And CollegeKhanewal Public School & College065-92001021Private40 *
Govt Boys Degree College Kabirwala KhanewalGovt Boys Degree College Kabirwala KhanewalKabirwala Khanewal065-92001291Public50 *
Govt Boys Degree College Abdul Hakim Kabirwala KhanewalGovt Boys Degree College Abdul Hakim Kabirwala KhanewalGovt Boys Degree College Abdul Hakim Kabirwala Khanewal065-92390551Public60 *
Govt College of Commerce KhanewalGovt College of Commerce KhanewalKhanewal065-92001291Public70 *
Govt College For Women Jahanian KhanewalGovt College For Women Jahanian KhanewalGovt College For Women Jahanian Khanewal065-22108011Public80 *
Govt Degree College For Women Kabirwala KhanewalGovt Degree College For Women Kabirwala KhanewalGovt Degree College For Women Kabirwala Khanewal065-24106731Public90 *
Govt Degree College For Women Abdul Hakim Kabirwala KhanewalGovt Degree College For Women Abdul Hakim Kabirwala KhanewalGovt Degree College For Women Abdul Hakim Kabirwala Khanewal065-92390711Public100 *
Govt Boys College Jahanian KhanewalGovt Boys College Jahanian KhanewalGovt Boys College Jahanian Khanewal065-22107011Public110 *
Govt Degree College For Women Sarai Sidhu KhanewalGovt Degree College For Women Sarai Sidhu KhanewalKhanewal065-24122281Public120 *
Govt College For Women Tulamba Mian Channu KhanewalGovt College For Women Tulamba Mian Channu KhanewalGovt College For Women Tulamba Mian Channu Khanewal065-92390471Public130 *
Govt College of Commerce Mian Channu KhanewalGovt College of Commerce Mian Channu KhanewalMian Channu Khanewal065-20200811Public140 *
Govt Commerce College Kabirwala KhanewalGovt Commerce College Kabirwala KhanewalGovt Commerce College Kabirwala Khanewal065-24106891Public150 *

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