Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
06-Oct-22 Sindh Solid Waste Management Board Govt of Sindh, Karachi 14 Jobs 28-Oct View
23-Feb-21 Sindh Solid Waste Management Board Govt of Sindh, Karachi 34 Jobs 05-Mar View
21-Feb-21 Sindh Solid Waste Management Board Govt of Sindh, Karachi 32 Jobs 05-Mar View

At we try to provide all latest jobs related information at Sindh Solid Waste Management Board govt of Sindh for prospective job seekers. This Govt board offer jobs that are publishes in various newspapers. We make sure that all latest jobs related to the Sindh Solid Waste Management Board to our website so that relevant candidates can choose their employment of choice.

Sindh Solid Waste Management Board govt of Sindh is located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. This govt department is established for the purpose of collecting and disposing the solid and waste material around the province to make the region clean and decease free. This board uses latest technology and tools for their operations throughout the whole province. Its staff is very loyal and hard working to their field and perform their jobs on daily bases to keep the province at a modern look and also secure from causing many different deceases that are not good for a person’s health.

The board has two types of staff related to this field. The office and management staff and the field staff. The office staff monitors and controls the activities of the field staff and provide them proper guidance according to their field work.