Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
25-Oct-23 Punjab Revenue Authority, Lahore 146 Jobs 11-Nov View
26-Dec-21 Punjab Revenue Authority, Lahore 152 Jobs 31-Dec View
23-Dec-21 Punjab Revenue Authority, Lahore 152 Jobs 31-Dec View
20-Dec-21 Punjab Revenue Authority, Lahore 152 Jobs 31-Dec View
17-Dec-21 Punjab Revenue Authority, Lahore 151 Jobs 31-Dec View

Punjab Revenue Authority is extremely important department of government of Pakistan. It is large scale organization of the state. It has numerous function. Tax collection is the primary responsibility of Punjab Revenue Authority. There are lot of taxes imposed on the individuals and corporates. Each and every factor of the society has given taxes. Some of the higher elite give less taxes which has become extremely controversial. It also prepares provincial budget of the government which is spent on different factors. More than 90% of the budget is made for the military. Working of the customs is also under the supervision of revenue department. It oversees financial transactions which are carried out in other countries.

There are many types of Punjab Revenue Department Jobs available. Many professionals are further wanted in different departments of this comprehensive organization. Higher salaries are offered to the newly hired employees. Posts require predetermined academic qualifications and many years of relevant experience. There can be many candidates needed for the same post. They can be deployed anywhere in Punjab. There is also relaxation in the age limit which is provided to the employees. Additional comfort can be gained by writing specific application to the human resource department. Applicants have to qualify through assessment tests which is conducted by National Testing Service. Tests of NTS is now exceptionally aggressive. There are so many people applying for the jobs. Applicants are short-listed by the management and then called for the interviews.

View the most recent Punjab Revenue Board Jobs below.