Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
08-Apr-21 National Academy for Prisons Administration Govt of Pakistan, Lahore 14 Jobs 20-Apr View
18-Apr-17 National Academy for Prisons Administration Govt of Pakistan, Lahore 4 Jobs 02-May View
01-Sep-15 National Academy for Prisons Administration Govt of Pakistan, Lahore 0 Jobs N/A View

At we try to provide all latest jobs related information at National Academy for Prisons Administration Govt of Pakistan (NAPA) for prospective job seekers. This academy offer jobs that are publishes in various newspapers. We make sure that all latest jobs related to the National Academy for Prisons Administration Govt of Pakistan (NAPA) get to our website so that relevant candidates can choose their employment of choice.

National Academy for Prisons Administration Govt of Pakistan (NAPA) is a Government institution located on Ferozepur Road Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. This institute is established for the training of the prison staff from all four provinces of the country. It operates under the supervision of Ministry of Interior, Govt of Pakistan. It is the only national academy in the country that is imparting basic training for the prison staff of four provinces and AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan.

Recently Judges, officers, trainers and other staff members are hired to participate in workshops, Seminars and symposia on specialized fields. Expertise of all these staff can only be found in this national academy. This academy provides training about physical fitness of the prisons, probation and parole officers in correction techniques, Research and Development in the field of prison Management.