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06-Mar-21 Child Protection Welfare Commission Govt of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar 24 Jobs 29-Mar View
18-Jan-17 Child Protection Welfare Commission Govt of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar 0 Jobs N/A View

Child Protection Welfare Commission Govt of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa saves the children from danger, harm and other sort of hazardous things. Industrialization and urbanization shapes into the conditions of refined certain world, which causes diverse social obscenities, issues and spreads trouble likewise accomplishing social wrong conduct and mishandle of human rights.

By exploring the legitimate view of change, we locate that each war, starvation and trademark debacle has executed an extensive number of kids. For the general population who survived, the future remains reduce for them.

For a dream of a guaranteed future individuals wherever all through the world have been battling for the changing of peace, human right and social esteem. Recollecting the genuine goal to shield children from mischief, obliteration and emergency, the world social occasion has been dependably working for the advantages of the youngsters. In the event that we come back to our history of human progress, religion and soundness, we will without a doubt find unmistakable musings for the affirmation of youths and their adolescence.

There are innumerable people enrolled for Child Protection Welfare Commission Government of Khyber Paktunkhwa. Some of the fresh specialists are selected by Basic Pay Scale or on the preface of wander. A strong bit of the delegates are given contract for one year. It is extended on the basis of performance.

View the latest Child Protection Welfare Commission Government of Khyber Paktunkhwa Jobs below.